Dear Lord, we are sorely tried in these days of want and need. We have not always loved You with all our heart nor served You. We confess that we have not always given You the offerings due You in the days when You have blessed us. Forgive us, O Lord, all our sins, our neglect, our indifference, our coldness. In Your mercy, O Lord, turn Your face again toward us. Help us, we pray, and give us today what we need to support ourselves and our dependents. Fill also our souls with peace. To You belongs the glory both now and forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
For Courage
Lord God, sometimes I feel so frightened by all the challenges and uncertainties of this life. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, fill me with courage to face each day in Your strength. I thank You for Your promise to love me, forgive me, walk with me, and be by ever present help in time of danger. Help me to call on Your name, pray, praise, and give You thanks. As Your Soon called on You in His hour of trial, I ask for courage to surrender all things to Your hands and gracious will. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lord, it is so easy to blend in and to be like every one else. I know I am to let my light shine, but hiding it takes less effort. Lord, help me to realize that You have not given me a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control. Help me to make the good confession as Jesus did before Pilate. Strengthen me through my Baptism and Your Holy Supper that I may speak Your Word with boldness. Help me to be watchful, to stand firm in the faith, to be courageous and strong, and to do all that I do in love, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
Prayer of the Sick
O Lord, You know that I am sick,, and You do not need for me to give You a report on my condition. Keep me from the sin of blaming You for my adversity. Give me the might of Your Holy Spirit to place myself completely into Your good and gracious care. Give me patience to accept Your will, which is always good. Never let me doubt Your love, which You have shown in Jesus and His death for me. Watch over my loved ones and help them to deal with my illness in a way that honors You. Replace fear with the confidence that You will never leave us nor forsake us; for Jesus' sake. Amen.
For Those Who Serve Their Country
Spirit of God, in the lives of Christians You bear the fruits of love, peace patience, faithfulness, and self-control. Come with Your power to those whose calling demands a special measure of these qualities. Keep love alive when fear and hate would overwhelm them. Work for peace amid the forces of war. Instill patience in the hearts of those who suffer. Keep our men and women faithful when their tasks seem futile. As tensions multiply, help them to exercise self-control, that with dignity and loyalty they may serve You and their country in their varied responsibilities. Hasten the day when they will return home safely. Amen.
Plea for Missions
Lord Jesus, You have commissioned us to bring Your saving Gospel to all nations. When our work has been only halfhearted, forgive us. Stir the hearts of Your people to a deeper concern for those still in spiritual darkness and without hope,. Let the joy of our salvation move us, as individuals and as congregations, to send and support missionaries to places far and near. Sustain and bless them and their families as they live and work to spread the Good News of Your death and resurrection, which is the only hope for sinners. Enable us to be faithful witnesses for You and so draw others to You for eternal life. Amen.
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