Small reflection groups to be effective, requires:
•commitment to regular and punctual attendance by all group members
•confidentiality, with nothing discussed in the group to be repeated outside, except with the mutual agreement of all members
•honesty and trust between group members, or nothing worthwhile will be shared
•a willingness to hear constructive criticism and to move on from previous attitudes and priorities where this seems appropriate
•members who are not 'yes' people, but prepared, with due care and forethought, to challenge the way things are at present, and encourage a new vision of the way things could be in living.
An invitation to reflect on living
The aim of this informal group is to help you reflect on personal aspects of the direction and effectiveness of your living. The group will, provide you with constructive criticism as well as being a source of personal support and encouragement. It can help you understand better your own strengths and non-strengths in living, and so have a positive contribution to your personal development and ability to live and work with others. It can act as a sounding board for ideas or personal concerns not appropriate in the family, and it can be a source of insight and support for you, in the midst of the stresses and strains of life. It should be a crucible out of which you will be learning how to build each other up for your mutual life as parts of the body of Christ.
Some of these things happen spontaneously or accidentally from time to time; ideally this group can help them happen more intentionally and more regularly, and give you an external 'push'' to review your own journey of faith, and your own roles as spouse, parent and Christian. Trust and confidentiality, need it be stated, are pre-requisites for the life of the group, and so also are humor, celebrations and prayer!
The points listed below may give the group the excuse to open up ideas and discussion, but the list is in no order of priority and by no means exhaustive:
•perceptions of the transition into the life as a Child of God, the process of adjustment and change for you and your family
•perceptions of the community as the place of life together
•adjusting to expectations of leaders, Christians, congregations, the community, and of yourself and your family
•what do you enjoy most in life? why?
•getting helpful feedback on how you are 'coming across'; how you and the family seem to be coping
•recognizing gifts; recognizing missed opportunities for help, or for personal and family growth
•causes of personal and family frustration or stress, and ways to possibly overcome these
•what do you yearn for most in your life?
•reflection on time allocated to various tasks and responsibilities, work and family and other, 'business and pleasure'
•personally accounting for 'the faith that is in you', that give life meaning
•your continuing education, becoming more competent; mental stimulus, spiritual growth
•your physical and emotional health
•sources of satisfaction and encouragement
•working with conflict; and with apathy
•communicating with different groups
•being accountable to God
•what is not yet in your life?
•your family, ten years from now
•prayer and spiritual nourishment
•anger, guilt, powerlessness, regrets
•ministering to your family; to the sick and bereaved; to the young and the aged, etc.
•your willingness to be ministered to, to receive care yourself, to accept help
•unresolved questions of faith and belief
•ways of introducing change, encouraging involvement, motivating people, freeing up resistance
•difficult jobs, things you put off or avoid
•non-Christian interests, responsibilities, hopes
•commitment to regular and punctual attendance by all group members
•confidentiality, with nothing discussed in the group to be repeated outside, except with the mutual agreement of all members
•honesty and trust between group members, or nothing worthwhile will be shared
•a willingness to hear constructive criticism and to move on from previous attitudes and priorities where this seems appropriate
•members who are not 'yes' people, but prepared, with due care and forethought, to challenge the way things are at present, and encourage a new vision of the way things could be in living.
An invitation to reflect on living
The aim of this informal group is to help you reflect on personal aspects of the direction and effectiveness of your living. The group will, provide you with constructive criticism as well as being a source of personal support and encouragement. It can help you understand better your own strengths and non-strengths in living, and so have a positive contribution to your personal development and ability to live and work with others. It can act as a sounding board for ideas or personal concerns not appropriate in the family, and it can be a source of insight and support for you, in the midst of the stresses and strains of life. It should be a crucible out of which you will be learning how to build each other up for your mutual life as parts of the body of Christ.
Some of these things happen spontaneously or accidentally from time to time; ideally this group can help them happen more intentionally and more regularly, and give you an external 'push'' to review your own journey of faith, and your own roles as spouse, parent and Christian. Trust and confidentiality, need it be stated, are pre-requisites for the life of the group, and so also are humor, celebrations and prayer!
The points listed below may give the group the excuse to open up ideas and discussion, but the list is in no order of priority and by no means exhaustive:
•perceptions of the transition into the life as a Child of God, the process of adjustment and change for you and your family
•perceptions of the community as the place of life together
•adjusting to expectations of leaders, Christians, congregations, the community, and of yourself and your family
•what do you enjoy most in life? why?
•getting helpful feedback on how you are 'coming across'; how you and the family seem to be coping
•recognizing gifts; recognizing missed opportunities for help, or for personal and family growth
•causes of personal and family frustration or stress, and ways to possibly overcome these
•what do you yearn for most in your life?
•reflection on time allocated to various tasks and responsibilities, work and family and other, 'business and pleasure'
•personally accounting for 'the faith that is in you', that give life meaning
•your continuing education, becoming more competent; mental stimulus, spiritual growth
•your physical and emotional health
•sources of satisfaction and encouragement
•working with conflict; and with apathy
•communicating with different groups
•being accountable to God
•what is not yet in your life?
•your family, ten years from now
•prayer and spiritual nourishment
•anger, guilt, powerlessness, regrets
•ministering to your family; to the sick and bereaved; to the young and the aged, etc.
•your willingness to be ministered to, to receive care yourself, to accept help
•unresolved questions of faith and belief
•ways of introducing change, encouraging involvement, motivating people, freeing up resistance
•difficult jobs, things you put off or avoid
•non-Christian interests, responsibilities, hopes
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