Lord, I have an important decision to make. (Name it....) I seek your wisdom in making the right choice that will be for my good and that of others in both time and in eternity. You have said in your Son, Jesus Christ, "Ask and you shall receive." I ask for the grace and the wisdom to choose that which is according to your will.
Too often what seems best to man, is not best for his salvation according to the mind of God. God's ways and thoughts are so elevated above our own. If I cannot always see clearly your way, O God, or understand the wisdom of the events you permit and cause to come into my life, permit me at least to trust in you. Help me to pray as though all depended on You, dear Lord, and to work as though all depended upon myself. In this way I will use the talents you have given me and give credit to the outcome as in harmony with your divine will. Teach me always to seek your will before my own.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and they shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who does instruct the hearts of the faithful, by the light of the Holy Spirit, instruct me. Amen.
Prayer for the Church
Lord, we come before You with penitent hearts, pleading for Your forgiveness through Jesus Christ, Your Son. At this moment we confess those sins by which we have brought injury to Your church--by our silence when we should have spoken and by our loveless words when we should have kept silent. May we pursue peace and harmony in the church and with all people. Lead us into the paths of truth. You have entrusted to us the precious Gospel. Now empower us to share it with others that through the power of the Holy Spirit Your church may grow. We ask for Your mercy and grace for the sake of Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the Family
Lord Jesus, we live in an anxious world. We move so fast and are torn by so many needs. Our lives are out of balance. I pray on behalf of all families--breathe into us Your breath of life, the abundant life that comes only through You. A life that is filled with joy, oneness, and hope. Let Your presence fill each heart so that the home is a grace place, where Your blood brings reconciliation. May the home be a place where the light of the Holy Spirit offers hope for those in despair. To this end, I ask that each home be a hill on which Your light can shine to the world. Amen.
For a Right Perspective in Life
We have trouble, heavenly Father, in maintaining a right understanding of life. Help us always remember that we are to love You more than anyone or anything else. Our world is an impersonal one of "Bottom Lines" and "latest models." Our lives go by, and we spend time and energy chasing that which has no lasting value. Help us, Lord, so that we do not destroy what is most important of all--our relationship with You. Enable us to bring order out of the chaos around us and to see that in You alone there is forgiveness, hope and salvation, and that next to You our loved ones are the greatest gifts You have given us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
For Caregivers
Lord, we thank You for those people who take care of others. It is not an easy job, and many people are tired at the end of the day. We ask that You be with them so they can be loving as they jtake care of those entrusted to them. Let them know that You are present when they are tired and that You will lift their spirits. Help them when they feel challenged by their charges. Give them an extra measure of Your love when they are feeling down. Help them to realize that the work they do is important to many people and that they are loved. Because You first loved us in giving Your Son to be our Savior, help us to love all humankind. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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