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Showing posts with label Billy Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billy Graham. Show all posts

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Who created you

Ary Scheffer: The Temptation of Christ, 1854Image via WikipediaWho created you
Who created you?  Who can you ultimately depend on?  Where can you find supreme truth?  Where can you find happiness?  Did you answer anything but God for these questions?  If so, you may be in danger of falling into idolatry.  Pull yourself out of that trap and let God be the one you rely on.

How might the purpose of God be traced in some recent events?

Our control of our world is not one of the options we are allowed.  We either "Trust God" or we are not God's child.  None of God's children's accomplishments are possible without mutual love and trust.  There can not be a proper relationship between us and our Creator/Father without this.  We either believe he is God, and has created everything or he is not our God.  If he has created everything, he is in control of everything.  Therefore he does not need our help.  Just as a mother may allow a child to help her while she bakes a cake God will allow us to help control the world around us.  This mother could bake the cake better by herself, but she does allow the child to help, for his growth.  God provides us the opportunity to be involved with the world in order to provide us a growth experience.  If we walk by our own light and reject God's, we become self-sufficient, and the result of self-sufficiency is torment.  We risk torment later when these strengths fade.

(Isaiah 50:10)"All of you that have reverence for the Lord and obey the words of his servant, the path you walk may be dark indeed, but trust in the Lord, rely on your God."

We have already seen that the Bible teaches that God was a God of love.  he wanted to do something for man.  He wanted to save man.  He wanted to free man from the curse of sin.  How could He do it?  God was a just God. He was righteous, and holy.  He had warned man from the beginning that if he obeyed the Devil and disobeyed God, he  would die physically and spiritually....

All through the Old Testament, God gave man the promise of salvation if by faith he would believe in the coming Redeemer.  Therefore God began to teach His people that man could only be saved by substitution.  Someone else would have to pay the bill for man's redemption....

Thanks be to God - that is exactly what happened!  Looking down over the battlements of heaven he saw this planet swinging in space - doomed, damned, crushed, and bound for hell.  He saw you and me struggling beneath our load of sin and bound in the chains and ropes of sin.  he made His decision in the council halls of God.  The angelic hosts bowed in humility and awe as heaven's Prince of princes and Lord of Lords, who could speak worlds into space, got into His Jeweled chariot, went through pearly gates, across the steep of the skies, and on a black Judean night, while the stars sang together and the escorting angels chanted praises, stepped out of the chariot,, threw off His robes and became man!

(From Peace with God by Billy Graham)
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Life of the future.We shall gain the life of the future rather than the death of not being with our father, if we have faith. But as we see in the next topic, this word means more than just believing.

The Flagellation of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1880)Image via WikipediaLife of the future.We shall gain the life of the future rather than the death of not being with our father, if we have faith. But as we see in the next topic, this word means more than just believing.

(Romans 1:17)"For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, 'The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.'"

Paul wrote this letter to teach the Christian faith to the first Believers in Rome. He taught that no one deserves God's love. Sin paints an ugly picture in people and in a culture. Without God's intervention, we have no way to deal with sin.

What does it mean to be righteous?....

Righteousness has nothing to do with doing good works, though good works are a byproduct of being righteous. Jesus spoke of God as the only one who is truly good. The word "good" is a synonym for righteous, so it follows that to be righteous is to be like God. But how can anyone be like God, who is holy and perfect?

... Righteousness, meaning to be right or just, begins with believing God. It sounds so simple, but how many times do we disbelieve God? God's formulas are so simple that we ignore them because we think there must be more to it than that.

All sin is rooted in unbelief. All righteousness is rooted in belief. Believe God for all His promises and He will count it unto you as righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, God's ultimate standard and incarnation of righteousness, and be saved. Believe in Jesus Christ to deliver you in your day of trouble and learn what the righteousness of Christ can do in and through you.

(From Unto the Hills by Billy Graham)

How does the bleak side of life reflect your experience? Is that where you are? If it is, switch sides - join God's side. If you already have, than thank him throughout the day for his mercy.

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Live in Assurance.We can live in assurance and calm. Despite troubles around us, if we love and trust God, he will be with us. We have nothing to fear if we put our trust in our Guardian.

DSC_2865Image by Mars Chen via Flickr Live in Assurance.We can live in assurance and calm. Despite troubles around us, if we love and trust God, he will be with us. We have nothing to fear if we put our trust in our Guardian.

We have the assurance that in the storms of life today. Jesus Himself will be standing just outside the door waiting to be invited in. He is waiting to share a meal with us, waiting to share our sorrows, to renew our courage, to come in and talk intimately.

We are not alone. We never shall be. He has to be there; all we need do is open the door to Him. What is your need today? Do you need comfort in your personal trials? Christ is waiting. Do you need forgiveness for your sins? He is knocking. Do you need to make a new commitment to serve God with your life? Whatever your spiritual need, right now Christ is knocking at the door of your heart. He is Lord of the universe, and He wants to be Lord of your life as well.

(From Storm Warning by Billy Graham)

What will you depend on today for your needs? Although you may be tempted to trust earthly means more than God, have more confidence in God than anything else.

Where do you need help right now? Joy? Victory? Success? What promise do you hold on to?

It grows, and may even be started within a given community of believers. This knowledge and community must always come second to the rejection or acceptance of God's guidance and written word, as the controlling influence in our lives. This guidance comes from Old Testament, God's word - made flesh in Jesus Christ, and then of that Word by the Apostles and the Church as long as it does not conflict with Christ's word or God's in the Old Testament.

We must have obedience - obedience to the Commandments and to the New Law of the Gospel. In order to obey we need to acknowledge that we must turn over control of our lives to his control, and admit that we cannot and should not control our lives. Let the fear of God do its work in you to keep you from sin. In your gratitude for God's love, don't ignore his justice.

(Psalm 36:1-4)"Sin speaks to the wicked man deep in his heart; he rejects God and does not have reverence for him. Because he thinks so highly of himself he thinks that God will not discover his sin and condemn it. His speech is wicked and full of lies; he no longer does what is wise and good. He makes evil plans as he lies in bed; nothing he does is good, and he never rejects anything evil."
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