Lord God, Your are full of grace and mercy toward Your people on earth. You always hear our prayers in Jesus' name. Thus we dare boldly to approach Your throne of grace today on behalf of all who are disabled in body or spirit. Your almighty power can heal them. O God of mercy, bless the medical procedures and guide those who apply them. Let us be helpful by assisting the handicapped in every way possible. Grant that all who are afflicted may trust in You as one who loves us, forgives our sins, and promises complete healing of body and soul in the resurrection. Hear us for Your own sake. Amen.
When Unemployed
O God, Father in heaven, You have been my help in days past. Turn not from me now as I search diligently to find honest employment. Surely you do care for me and those who depend on me. Lead and direct me as I try to find work in keeping with my ability. Forgive me all my past failings and let me find peace in You. Keep me hopeful, cheerful, courageous, patient, and confident. Teach me to face each day with hope. Let me not doubt Your promise to supply me with daily bread, as I pray in my Lord's Prayer. Hear the cry of my distressed heart and restless mind. Have mercy on me for the sake of Jesus, who gave His life for me.
Please, I beg you for the opportunity to serve you in some area of life that will assist in my support and that of others.
I do not ask for work that flatters my pride. I am willing to do your will in humble ways, if only you will hear me, O Lord. I promise to work conscientiously and share your blessings with others, if only, dear Lord, you will answer me. I place my trust in you, dear Lord. Amen.
Prayer to Do The Will of God
Almighty and eternal God, ruler of the universe, ever present around, beneath, above and within me, behold, I come to do your will, O God. I know not what to do. My mind is darkened. My will is weak. I am weary and lonely and I ask again, "Lord, what will you have me to do?"
I find the circumstances of my life hard, at times, O God. I do not understand why things happen the way they do. Then, I remember your divine Soon,, Jesus Christ, as his soul was sorrowful unto death. In the garden he sweat his precious blood in agony and found the divine will of his heavenly Father difficult. And he prayed -- Lord Jesus, you prayed! - "Not my will, but yours be done."
On the cross, O Jesus, you prayed, asking why your heavenly Father had forsaken you. You knew that he had not, but in your human nature you felt desolation. You became a man in all things but sin - and so you knew what it was to be forsaken. You prayed: "Into your hands, I commend my spirit."
Not understanding perfectly, not knowing the reasons why for many things, I come before you, almighty God, to be strengthened, to accept your will as Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, accepted the will of his heavenly Father. I am all yours, almighty God, and all that I have is yours. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. Amen.
For Help in Time of Temptation
Lord Jesus Christ, You withstood the temptations of Satan by using the Scriptures and trusting in Your heavenly Father. Temptations are present everywhere around us and from within us. We need Your help in overcoming them. Teach us to recognize temptation to evil so that we are not caught unaware. Help us then to rely completely on Your Word and promises for strength to resist. By the strength You give, grant us courage to flee temptations regardless of personal loss or persecution that may result. In joy, may we be aware of Your holy angels around us that the wicked foe may have no power over us. Amen.
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