Yes, it is worth any price, but you must be willing to pay any price.
Won't you think now of His love and commitment to you, will you try to return equal love and commitment.
Won't you close your eyes now, and with all the love you have, tell Him that you love Him and commit to Him.
Tell Him that you want and need Him, and that He can take control of your life completely and guide you.
For if you are willing to release your will to his control, then you will receive that very personal relationship, that indescribable peace, and escape from the Earth's Child" bondage.
Then, you will never doubt again that fellowship with God is possible, but you will discover that it is the most truthful fact in our whole world.
Let us have less talking, and more commitment, less work and more love, less pressure and more relationship.
What difference has it made to you when, you have consciously acknowledged God's control of your life?
And you, too, may have that fellowship with the risen Christ. Indeed, you will not believe the fact of the Resurrection for yourself until the living Christ lives in your own heart. When you have in your own life that sense of His nearness and His power - ah, then, you too, will know!
Your life may be guided by Christ... Your problems may be solved by His wisdom... Your weakness may be burned into strength by His help... Your struggles may become - victories by His grace... Your sorrows may be turned into joy by His comfort.
To you there may come the same wonderful changes that have come to other men and women all down through the years.
God hasn't given up on you. He can still do great things for you, in you, and through you. God is ready and waiting and able. What about you? Are you yielded to him; that is willingly, and completely surrendered. We will make you his disciple according to the plan "for which" in His love, He designed for you.
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