Lord Jesus Christ, during your life you were surrounded by suffering and you eliminated it whenever you could. Look down on this suffering world and alleviate its suffering. Help the sick in body, especially those terminally ill, and the sick at heart who are weary of life. Come to the aid of those victimized by war or by their uncaring neighbors. Encourage those who suffer discrimination because of race, creed or color, because of their poverty, ignorance or different lifestyle. Free those who are oppressed and feed those who are hungry. Inspire in me a firm desire to cooperate with you in this liberation of the downtrodden. Let me be open to others, to love them in you and to share with them what I am and have. Amen.
(Fr. Francis Evans, editor Prayers For All Occasions)
Lord God, who though you were rich yet for our sakes became poor and have promised in your holy Gospel that whatsoever is done to the least of your brothers and sisters you will count it as done to you, give us grace, we humbly ass you, to be ever willing and ready to minister, as you give us the power, to the needs of others, and to extend the blessings of your kingdom over all the world. Amen. (St. Augustine from The New Book of Christian Prayer)
Prayer of Gratitude
I am amazed at Your goodness, Lord. You give me so much to be thankful for even though I deserve nothing. I cannot list all the things You have done for me, so please accept my gratitude for everything-especially for Your generous and forgiving heart! Keep me grateful even when times are troubling, for I know that You are blessing me then, too. This I ask in the name of Your greatest gift to me, Jesus Christ, in whose righteousness I dare to come before You. Amen.
For Faith
Dear God, I offer this prayer to you today for the faith of the world. Through the works and actions of people just like me, may people everywhere come to have faith in you. Give Christians everywhere the ability to show their faith to the world--not by flash words and emotional pleas--but by living each day for you alone. Let others see a difference in us, a difference that announces to the world that Jesus lives in us and has changed our lives. Amen. (Steve Givens)
Lord, it has been said, "if your knees knock, kneel on them." Here I kneel, O Lord, with all my fears, misery and anxiety. Please come into my life just as you came into the disciples boat on the storm-tossed Sea of Galilee. I trust that just as your presence brought peace and calm to them, so too will the light of your peace calm by troubled soul. No matter what happens to me, I pray that you give me the faith to trust in your will as I struggle along the road of life. Amen. (Sr. Peter Dupree)
Dear God in heaven, I thank you that you have not required that we must understand Christianity; for if that were required, I would be the most miserable of all Christians. The more I seek to understand it, the more incomprehensible it seems, So I thank you that you only require faith--and I ask you to increase it in me more and more. Amen. (Soren Kierkegaard from The New Book of Christian Prayer)
Prayer for Inner Peace
Lord, You have promised us a peace that passes all understanding -- a peace the world cannot give, but one that comes only from You. It rests on the reconciling work of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. It is a peace that endures in the midst of trials and tribulations. Lord, help us to communicate this peace to others as we speak of Your love and grace. Help us to remember the promise of Your presence with us at all times. May Your peace surround us as we come and go, rest and work, and worship in church and at home. Let Christ, the Prince of Peace, dwell in our hearts richly. Amen.
Lord, I want to be quiet inside and hear your words for me, I know that your voice can give true peace to my heart. Give me the strength to quiet myself each day that your voice may truly be the guide in my life. Fill me with the courage to trust and obey the messages you give to me. Let me feel through your words your deep love for me, that I may know the real peace you have promised. Thank you, Lord, for continually speaking words of love to me, even when I block them out with my noise. Be patient with me as I slowly create quiet spaces in my life for you. You are so good to me, and I love you. Amen. (Fr. Paul A. Feider The Journey to Inner Peace)
Jesus, we live in a world that is constantly threatening our peace. We are surrounded by distractions and fears--temptations that are capable of destroying our peace. You are the only security we have in our defense, for our protection. Give us your peace. Fill us with that trust in your proven love for us, that we won't be afraid, that we can face any danger. We know that our own strength, our own confidence, is not enough. We rely only on you, and we trust completely in you, so that we always possess your peace deep in our hearts. Amen. (Fr. Killian Speckner, O.F.M., Conv. The Prayers of Farther Killian)
O God, whose grace is sufficient for our need, lift us above our doubts and anxieties into the calm of your presence so that, guarded by your peace, we may serve you fearlessly. Amen. (A Companion of Prayer for Daily Living)
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