Father, You have always called faithful people to proclaim Christ's salvation to the world. We thank You that Your Spirit works through those who preach and teach. Open our hearts and minds so that we may hear their message with joy. Help their ministry. Strengthen them so they may always be models of the new life in Christ. Continue to call faithful Christians into the preaching and teaching ministry, so that every soul may hear the salvation which You have won for us in Your loved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
For Spiritual Awakening in the Church
Lord Jesus Christ, You promised to send Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. We pray with a sense of urgency that You pour out Your Holy Spirit in rich measure upon all those in Your church. Move people everywhere who believe in Your name to respond to the power and influence of Your Spirit, remembering that we have been baptized into Christ's death and resurrection. We pray for a revival of faith and love. Give to Your people a deeper faith and a greater zeal for Your mission. Fill us with true love for Your Word and a hopeful expectation for Your return in glory. In these last days energize us as never before with Your Spirit to carry Your Gospel to everyone. Amen.
Prayer for Patience
O God, I need Your presence and Your strength each day. I sometimes find myself filled with hostility toward others. In spite of my good intentions, I am impatient both with strangers and those I love . Strengthen me to bear with others in their indecisions, callousness, and rage--the very things of which I am guilty! By the grace You have given me in my Baptism in which You nourish through Your Word and Holy Spirit you forgive my daily sin of impatience and touch me with Your Holy Spirit's power in order that even in my weakness I may glorify You and in spite of my failures You may be praised. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer for Contentment
Heavenly Father, we are bombarded by advertising that encourages us to buy, buy, buy! These invitations are before us on television, radio, billboards, and in newspapers. We are tempted t o feel dissatisfied, disadvantaged, and lacking in necessary things for life. You have said, O Lord, that we should be content if we have food and clothing (1 Timothy 6:8). Help us to find this satisfaction, Lord. Teach us that true contentment is found only in You, that the blessings You give truly satisfy. Instill in us the understanding that the things of this world will pass away, but the blessings that You give in Christ will last forever. Give us strength to help others also to find this true peace in You. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer for A Child's Return to Faith
Dear Lord,, you become human, suffered and died to win salvation for all. Look graciously on my child, who has drifted away from the faith--and from you as well. Grant him (her) your grace to see the error of his (her) ways and return to the fold in your care. Teach me to stay close to him (her) during this trying time, and strive to influence him (her) by action and prayers more than by words that may antagonize. Amen.
Prayer for the Sick
Our heavenly Father, look with compassion upon all who are ill. Set Your healing powers to work in them. We thank You for medical science. Bless the hands of those who minister to our loved ones who are ill.. Strengthen the hands of those who minister with tenderness and love, and guide the skillful hands of doctors and nurses. Give patience to those who carry the cross of affliction, who bear the burden of illness. Fill their hearts with the joy of forgiveness and the hope of the resurrection of the body in heaven. Assure them of Your abiding presence. We commend them to Your gracious care in Jesus' name. Amen.
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