And yet we cannot or will not turn over control of our lives to our God who created us, and the world. Our God who controls us and the world, whether we want to admit to this control or not. Our God who, for the exchange of just recognizing that control and stopping our feeble attempts to interfere with his control, will give us a future greater than any human can conceive of or acquire. And if we fail to "turnover" control will provide a future that wee do not desire.
Who am I going to get help from?
If we were offered an equivalent choice on earth, no one would refuse it. But because it is not of this earth we do not accept it. Is there any doubt that we have earthly preferences. And if you believe what has been stated and in God, how can you not want to learn how to change your earthly preferences to heavenly ones; by committing your life to God's training plan.
Behind the laws of Deuteronomy lies the basic rules of the creator of this world, which start as the life of obedience on the part of his people. Our pattern of obedience must of necessity be different since we live in different times and in different places. But it still is the same God, we try to serve; therefore we can profit from the deep sense of love to God and neighbor which complete basic human needs; and we can learn that the obedience of God is something which involves every aspect of human activity. This reflects the complete submission of a life which desires to be joined with our God in heaven. Jesus is more concerned about our walk than our talk. He wants us to do right not just say the right words. What you do cannot be separated from what you believe.
(Matthew 7:21)"Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do."
How would you sum up the attitudes Jesus is encouraging?
Submission and obedience is required of us. But just as a young child we wish to control the world around us. And as a young child we become frustrated when we cannot. When a child trusts his parents he loses that frustration and becomes peaceful.
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