One example of this is the very fact; that humanity has ingrained in their very nature, a conscience, a knowledge of right and wrong. This has to be explained as to why we as humans have this very unique capability. Their is no animal that has this capability, along with creativity, initiative, etc. Therefore how did we :evolve into this ability. Why did we "evolve" into this ability. What is it's purpose. Without "God" and the rest of the relationship to him, we open up more, and more questions. With him, we answer many questions.
Theology is not simply talk about God, or about Christ, or about the Bible, or even about faith; but coming to a better, clearer, understanding of his or her own faith and it's use in everyday life. This faith in God and in Christ, grown through "Help" available to us in the Bible, in the Church, or wherever God provides.
We must be careful not to limit our Theology to just the Bible. If this were true than how did the Church start or exist without it in place, fully formed and defined. Since Christ did not write it; but others controlled and influenced by the Holy Spirit; where is it written by God that this control and influence by the Holy Spirit has ceased.
We find when we study the New Testament that the Church had started to interpret Christ's Words and to develop tradition's which it operated in. Paul uses the word tradition in 1 Corinthians 11:23 and 1 Corinthians 15: 3-5. This is shown in many families or communities, that traditions develop which reflect the approved method of action in specific situations. But once these methods are no longer appropriate or proper tradition changes. God's Word does not change. The Bible is itself the product of tradition - of many traditions in fact. Tradition refers (in Christian terms) to the whole process of "Handing on" God's Word.
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