(Romans 1:17)"For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, 'The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.'"
Paul wrote this letter to teach the Christian faith to the first Believers in Rome. He taught that no one deserves God's love. Sin paints an ugly picture in people and in a culture. Without God's intervention, we have no way to deal with sin.
What does it mean to be righteous?....
Righteousness has nothing to do with doing good works, though good works are a byproduct of being righteous. Jesus spoke of God as the only one who is truly good. The word "good" is a synonym for righteous, so it follows that to be righteous is to be like God. But how can anyone be like God, who is holy and perfect?
... Righteousness, meaning to be right or just, begins with believing God. It sounds so simple, but how many times do we disbelieve God? God's formulas are so simple that we ignore them because we think there must be more to it than that.
All sin is rooted in unbelief. All righteousness is rooted in belief. Believe God for all His promises and He will count it unto you as righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, God's ultimate standard and incarnation of righteousness, and be saved. Believe in Jesus Christ to deliver you in your day of trouble and learn what the righteousness of Christ can do in and through you.
(From Unto the Hills by Billy Graham)
How does the bleak side of life reflect your experience? Is that where you are? If it is, switch sides - join God's side. If you already have, than thank him throughout the day for his mercy.
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