Since we examined the Third Question (Matthew 22:34-40) in our last subject, we will not study it in detail at this time. However, we should make special note of how Jesus answered the question?
The Pharisees and Sadducees asked their questions for the purpose of trapping Jesus so that they could find an excuse to arrest him. During the rest of the arguments in the Temple Jesus asked the questions. Of course, His purpose was different. Jesus asked questions which would allow the light of the truth to reach minds which were darkened by Satan.
The Fourth Question
Read Matthew 22:41-46. Until now, all of the questions were asked by the Jewish leaders for the purpose of trapping Jesus into answering in a way which would give them a legitimate reason to arrest Him. However, at this point Jesus began to ask questions. Jesus questions were intended to make them think about their wrong way of thinking and change their ways.
Read verse 42. What was the question that Jesus asked?
What did the Pharisees answer Him?
The Jewish people wrongly believed that the Messiah, the Son of David, would come as a prince who would lead Israel to victory over all of her enemies. They expected the Christ to lead them in battle against the nations of the world. Jesus asked His question in order to correct this wrong idea. Who was Jesus talking to when He asked the question? People who knew the Scriptures and therefore should have had a good understanding of who the Messiah was to be.
The Pharisees' first answer was correct. The Messiah was to be the Son of David. Having gotten the correct answer, Jesus now asks a second question. What Psalm does Jesus quote in this second question?
The point of Jesus' questioning is found in verse 45: "If then David calls him 'Lord', how can he be his son?" In other words, Jesus is showing the Pharisees and Sadducees that it is not enough just to think about the Messiah as the Son of David. He was not only the SON of David but He is also said to be David's LORD. This could only be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In His human nature He is a descendant of the line of David and so may be called the of David. But, by His divine nature He is also the Son of God and for this reason He is called David's .
Look carefully at the difference between the questions which the Jewish leaders asked and the questions that Jesus asked. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Herodians asked questions for the purpose of Jesus. Jesus, on the other hand, asked questions to make people think about the .
Jesus put an end to all the questioning. According to verse 46, who was silenced, Jesus or His enemies?
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