Should a earthly Father keep his child in bed all his life; so he does not acquire any disease or injury? What about inherited disease, or weakness of his body? How can he provide experience and accomplishment? God knows that in order to become morally strong and good, we must learn the difference between HIS right and wrong. His loving discipline enables us to do that.
(Proverbs 3:11-12)"Son, when the Lord corrects you, pay close attention and take it as a warning. The Lord corrects those he loves, as a father corrects a son of whom he is proud."
Where have you experienced the "leading of the Lord?"
In order to allow the child to mature, accomplish things, experience emotions, love, and many other human benefits; the child must also face the negative side.
(2 Chronicles 6:30-31)"You alone know the thoughts of the human heart. Deal with each person as he deserves; so that your people may have reverence for you and obey you all the time they live in the land..."
The same holds true for our heavenly father. He provides us with free will; and if we exercise it we may face negative consequences. If we wish to accomplish things for his glory; we must learn from it, trusting God and being willing to change.
(Lamentations 3:37-39)"The will of the Lord alone is always carried out. Good and evil alike take place at his command. Why should we ever complain when we are punished for our sins?"
When you're feeling forsaken and chastened how do you express your feelings? How do you avoid wallowing in self pity?
Penalties must be imposed by any truly loving father, because he recognizes that each of us have free will. This free will allows us to choose God's way or Earth's way. if we choose God's way (and this way requires submission) versus Earth's way which gave us assumed and false control, power and other earthly qualities, we would not choose God's way, if there were no penalties.
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