In times of challenge, what can you expect from God?
We are very important to God. How important is God to us? Just as a young child or infant is totally dependent on his guardians or parents; a Child of God is totally dependent upon Him. Christ calls us to a higher mission than to find comfort and tranquility in this life.
(Matthew 10:37-39)"Whoever loves his father or mother more than me is not fit to be my disciple; whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my steps is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever tries to gain his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will gain it."
What kind of commitment does Jesus call for?
Turning your life over to God; may initially cause a individual to think that he/she is turning their freedom in and exchanging it for slavery. This cannot be farther from the truth. By turning "over your life" to God, you are releasing yourself from the slavery of evil (e.g. worries, fear, etc.) to the freedom of God's children (e.g. peace, trust, etc.).
How can I avoid dropping this commitment?
Does not a child "turn over" control of his life to his parents in exchange for, care, protection, etc. Does not top professionals: sport, movie, music stars turn over control of part of their lives to agents, in order to be freed from work not directed to their goals of being successful. Do we not, as citizens of a government, turn over control of part of our lives, in order to be freeded from fear and to achieve peace in our lives. Our whole external earthly life is turning over par of the control of our life to gain something on earth.
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