(Job 28:20-24)"Where, then, is the source of wisdom? Where can we learn to understand? No living creature can see it, not even a bird in flight. Even death and destruction admit they have heard only rumors. God alone knows the way, knows the place where wisdom is found, because he sees the ends of the earth, sees everything under the sky."
Job claimed that God's wisdom supersedes all human wisdom. Nature cannot tell everything about God's wisdom. For further insight we must look at God's Word.
God know me! He knows every tear I cry. "Thou hast taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Thy bottle" (Psalm 56:8). God knows every trial we go through, and His wisdom allows each to happen....
God is perfect in His wisdom. As the sun cannot be without light, neither can God be without wisdom. He was wisdom originally. Men acquire wisdom through experience; God has it by essence. He does not have to study or gain more experience. God has wisdom perfectly. He has absolutely no ignorance. He has wisdom universally. Men are wise in various things. God is wise in all things. He has wisdom perpetually. Man's wisdom fades near death. God's wisdom is everlasting. His wisdom is incomprehensible. The wisdom of one man may be comprehended by another. "Canst thou by searching find out God?" (Job 11:7) His wisdom is infallible. Even the wisest men fall short of their goals. God never fails.
(From The God You Can Know by Dan DeHaan)
How will you strive to be wiser and more understanding person this month?
God's wisdom is His Plan for everything. Wisdom's children live changed lives.
(Luke 7:35)"God's wisdom, however is shown to be true by all who accept it."
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