Jesus deliberately stripped Himself of everything - His divine rights and privileges - and crossed the unthinkable chasm between God and man.
Try to imagine the span of that chasm.... The unlimited God became limited man.... Jesus Christ is God.
...From the world's viewpoint, Jesus had descended almost as low as a man could - to say nothing of God - could go lower.
But there was one more downward step, in heaven's eyes the deepest descent of all: from sinless to sin stained.... Truly, He could go no lower.
...He knowingly and actively embraced a life of giving, serving, losing, and dying.
What was, and is, really hard for Jesus' followers to swallow is that we are called to do the same. To make ourselves nothing.... We must believe that as painful as it sometimes feels, descending is the only way to greatness.... Jesus obeyed for the sake of love.
And we, His followers and the recipients of His love, are called to do the same. When asked about the two greatest commands, Jesus replied: to love God and to love others. That is what motivated Jesus, and that is what is to motivate us.
(From Descending into Greatness by Bill Hybels)
God views service and humility as strengths, not weaknesses. What steps in your relationships can you take to show greater humility? How can you expand your relationship to others (including God)?
This response combines a balanced and proper measure of God's sovereignty and your responsibility. This balance is described beautifully in Philippians 2:12-13, "Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." God expects to be in a relationship with Him, you can make responsible decisions about how you can best use your gifts throughout your life.
This expectation reveals how insufficient the other two responses are in recognizing God's deepest desire for you. Since He created you and sent His only son to live and die for you, is it any wonder that He wants to be intimately involved in every aspect of your life? God has already invested too much of Himself in you to expect you to make those all-important life decisions, alone.
In His Hands Martin Luther
I have held many things in my hands, and lost them all; but whatsoever I have placed in God's hands, I still possess.
The responsibility for deciding how to be a wise steward does not rest solely with you, or solely with God. It rests with you and God-TOGETHER. The Christian who is truly responsible for using his career for God says, "I am responsible and accountable for making my decisions-within guidelines established by the Lord."
Understanding the guidelines and knowing what God expects is obviously very important.
Fortunately, God hasn't left you in the dark regarding His expectations. he knows what He wants done in the world and the part he wants you to play in it. let's take a look at a few ways you can get a better understanding of God and His will.
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