Image via WikipediaWhat improvement will I make to my Father's world?
And yet we cannot or will not turn over control of our lives to our God who created us, and the world. Our God who controls us and the world, whether we want to admit to this control or not. Our God who, for the exchange of just recognizing that control and stopping our feeble attempts to interfere with his control, will give us a future greater than any human can conceive of or acquire. And if we fail to "turnover" control will provide a future that wee do not desire.
Who am I going to get help from?
If we were offered an equivalent choice on earth, no one would refuse it. But because it is not of this earth we do not accept it. Is there any doubt that we have earthly preferences. And if you believe what has been stated and in God, how can you not want to learn how to change your earthly preferences to heavenly ones; by committing your life to God's training plan.
Behind the laws of Deuteronomy lies the basic rules of the creator of this world, which start as the life of obedience on the part of his people. Our pattern of obedience must of necessity be different since we live in different times and in different places. But it still is the same God, we try to serve; therefore we can profit from the deep sense of love to God and neighbor which complete basic human needs; and we can learn that the obedience of God is something which involves every aspect of human activity. This reflects the complete submission of a life which desires to be joined with our God in heaven. Jesus is more concerned about our walk than our talk. He wants us to do right not just say the right words. What you do cannot be separated from what you believe.
(Matthew 7:21)"Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do."
How would you sum up the attitudes Jesus is encouraging?
Submission and obedience is required of us. But just as a young child we wish to control the world around us. And as a young child we become frustrated when we cannot. When a child trusts his parents he loses that frustration and becomes peaceful.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Be affraid of God.(Matthew 10:28-31)"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell. For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted.
Image via WikipediaBe affraid of God.(Matthew 10:28-31)"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell. For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
In times of challenge, what can you expect from God?
We are very important to God. How important is God to us? Just as a young child or infant is totally dependent on his guardians or parents; a Child of God is totally dependent upon Him. Christ calls us to a higher mission than to find comfort and tranquility in this life.
(Matthew 10:37-39)"Whoever loves his father or mother more than me is not fit to be my disciple; whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my steps is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever tries to gain his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will gain it."
What kind of commitment does Jesus call for?
Turning your life over to God; may initially cause a individual to think that he/she is turning their freedom in and exchanging it for slavery. This cannot be farther from the truth. By turning "over your life" to God, you are releasing yourself from the slavery of evil (e.g. worries, fear, etc.) to the freedom of God's children (e.g. peace, trust, etc.).
How can I avoid dropping this commitment?
Does not a child "turn over" control of his life to his parents in exchange for, care, protection, etc. Does not top professionals: sport, movie, music stars turn over control of part of their lives to agents, in order to be freed from work not directed to their goals of being successful. Do we not, as citizens of a government, turn over control of part of our lives, in order to be freeded from fear and to achieve peace in our lives. Our whole external earthly life is turning over par of the control of our life to gain something on earth.
In times of challenge, what can you expect from God?
We are very important to God. How important is God to us? Just as a young child or infant is totally dependent on his guardians or parents; a Child of God is totally dependent upon Him. Christ calls us to a higher mission than to find comfort and tranquility in this life.
(Matthew 10:37-39)"Whoever loves his father or mother more than me is not fit to be my disciple; whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever does not take up his cross and follow in my steps is not fit to be my disciple. Whoever tries to gain his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will gain it."
What kind of commitment does Jesus call for?
Turning your life over to God; may initially cause a individual to think that he/she is turning their freedom in and exchanging it for slavery. This cannot be farther from the truth. By turning "over your life" to God, you are releasing yourself from the slavery of evil (e.g. worries, fear, etc.) to the freedom of God's children (e.g. peace, trust, etc.).
How can I avoid dropping this commitment?
Does not a child "turn over" control of his life to his parents in exchange for, care, protection, etc. Does not top professionals: sport, movie, music stars turn over control of part of their lives to agents, in order to be freed from work not directed to their goals of being successful. Do we not, as citizens of a government, turn over control of part of our lives, in order to be freeded from fear and to achieve peace in our lives. Our whole external earthly life is turning over par of the control of our life to gain something on earth.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
God's Word teaches us sound doctrine. When was the last time you memorized a verse? Memorize Psalm 119:105. Consider memorizing one verse a week.
Image by Klearchos Kapoutsis via FlickrGod's Word teaches us sound doctrine. When was the last time you memorized a verse? Memorize Psalm 119:105. Consider memorizing one verse a week.
(Isaiah 26:3)"You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm."
What makes the Lord worthy of trust?
We see in this statement that we must stay with the program and then we will gain peace. This also means trusting him to control our lives for us and provide for us; therefore it means truly becoming his child. When we are devoted to him, our whole attitude is steady and stable.
"It is the will of God that we surrender our wills. Even though St. Paul talked much with our Lord and our Lord with him, these conversations remained fruitless until St. Paul surrendered his will and said: 'Lord, what wilt thou have me do?"... The only true and perfect will is the one that has been merged with the will of God, so that the man has no will of his own. Indeed one step taken in surrender to God is better than a journey across the ocean without it... Perfectly to will what God wills, to want what he wants, is to have joy; but if one's will is not quite in unison with God's there is no joy" (Meister Eckhart - The Talks of Instruction).
What is my plan of commitment?
The twenty-eight chapter of Deuteronomy is a powerful statement of the basic order of the universe. It does not claim that the individual who observes the laws of God will always receive prosperity, but it does state that there are certain laws according to which the world is run and that these are basic required rules. Any people group which runs contrary to these rules comes to grief, and conversely the individuals that observes them is assured of a future relationship with God. Justice, charity/love and integrity - rear their own reward because that is the way the world is meant to be run. Behind the chances and changes of life there is a pattern which the Creator has laid down for the smooth running of the world he has made. We have a choice either to share our relationship with others in accordance with these guidelines or we should not expect a rewarding future after we pass over to our permanent home. The real test of value is how well something holds up under the wear, tear, and abuse of everyday life.
(Isaiah 26:3)"You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm."
What makes the Lord worthy of trust?
We see in this statement that we must stay with the program and then we will gain peace. This also means trusting him to control our lives for us and provide for us; therefore it means truly becoming his child. When we are devoted to him, our whole attitude is steady and stable.
"It is the will of God that we surrender our wills. Even though St. Paul talked much with our Lord and our Lord with him, these conversations remained fruitless until St. Paul surrendered his will and said: 'Lord, what wilt thou have me do?"... The only true and perfect will is the one that has been merged with the will of God, so that the man has no will of his own. Indeed one step taken in surrender to God is better than a journey across the ocean without it... Perfectly to will what God wills, to want what he wants, is to have joy; but if one's will is not quite in unison with God's there is no joy" (Meister Eckhart - The Talks of Instruction).
What is my plan of commitment?
The twenty-eight chapter of Deuteronomy is a powerful statement of the basic order of the universe. It does not claim that the individual who observes the laws of God will always receive prosperity, but it does state that there are certain laws according to which the world is run and that these are basic required rules. Any people group which runs contrary to these rules comes to grief, and conversely the individuals that observes them is assured of a future relationship with God. Justice, charity/love and integrity - rear their own reward because that is the way the world is meant to be run. Behind the chances and changes of life there is a pattern which the Creator has laid down for the smooth running of the world he has made. We have a choice either to share our relationship with others in accordance with these guidelines or we should not expect a rewarding future after we pass over to our permanent home. The real test of value is how well something holds up under the wear, tear, and abuse of everyday life.
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Monday, September 27, 2010
How important is God to me?
Image by Ed Yourdon via FlickrHow important is God to me?
In Psalm 119 we find a most eloquent statement about our need to be committed to God, and our Father's Laws of Guidance. This is must reading for anyone who has any doubts. Do you want peace? Keep your thoughts on and trust your God. With God we can know perfect peace even within the midst of turmoil.
This testimony exalted the Word of God - the complete and perfect standard of truth, values, reality, and behavior. God's Word is wholly sufficient for godly living. By grasping its powerful message, God's children can be pure.
We need sound doctrine. The Spirit of holiness is also the Spirit of truth. Truth and righteousness go together....
Why? Why is sound doctrine necessary for sanctification? For real sanctification to occur in the Christian life at least three absolute changes are necessary. There must be a change in our consciousness. There must be a change in our convictions. There must be a change in our conscience. Consciousness, conviction, and conscience - these three are all vital to our sanctification.
Consciousness involves knowledge. Before we can willfully do what God commands and what pleases Him, we must first understand what it is that God requires. From the law comes a knowledge of sin. Also from the law comes a knowledge of righteousness.
A person could "accidentally" obey the law without doing so consciously. But such an action would have no moral virtue to it. Suppose a man enjoys driving his car at fifty miles an hour in fifty-five-mile-per-hour zones and in fifteen-mile-per-hour zones. When he drives in the fifty-five-mile-per-hour zone, he is within the speed limit. He is obeying the law. But when he goes fifty in a fifteen-mile-per-hour zone, he is a menace to those around him.
Suppose our mythical driver systematically refuses to look at speed limit signs. He averts his gaze from any sign that even appears to mark a speed limit. He keeps himself purposely unconscious of speed limits. At times he "happens" to obey the law, but purely by coincidence. If the man wants to achieve moral virtue as a driver and always drive within the speed limit, he must first become aware, he must become conscious of the law.
But consciousness is not enough. We all have seen people who are quite conscious of the speed limits while they are violating them. We don't have to look beyond ourselves to discover the culprits. For our behavior to change we must move beyond consciousness to conviction.
Conviction is a matter of depth and intensity. It is one thing to be aware that a certain action is right. It is another to have a conviction about it. It is a lot easier for us to compromise our knowledge than to act against convictions. A conviction is knowledge that is settled. It has a firm hold on us. It goes beyond our brains and penetrates the conscience.
Our conscience acts as a kind of governor upon our behavior. It is the inner voice that either accuses or excuses us. It monitors our behavior by way of approval or disapproval. The problem is that our conscience doesn't always tell us the truth. We are adept at training it in the direction of self-approval....
For the conscience to function in a godly convictions. To gain godly consciences, our consciousness of what is right and what is wrong must be sharpened. This involves the mind. It is a matter of doctrine.
(From Pleasing God by R. C. Sproul)
In Psalm 119 we find a most eloquent statement about our need to be committed to God, and our Father's Laws of Guidance. This is must reading for anyone who has any doubts. Do you want peace? Keep your thoughts on and trust your God. With God we can know perfect peace even within the midst of turmoil.
This testimony exalted the Word of God - the complete and perfect standard of truth, values, reality, and behavior. God's Word is wholly sufficient for godly living. By grasping its powerful message, God's children can be pure.
We need sound doctrine. The Spirit of holiness is also the Spirit of truth. Truth and righteousness go together....
Why? Why is sound doctrine necessary for sanctification? For real sanctification to occur in the Christian life at least three absolute changes are necessary. There must be a change in our consciousness. There must be a change in our convictions. There must be a change in our conscience. Consciousness, conviction, and conscience - these three are all vital to our sanctification.
Consciousness involves knowledge. Before we can willfully do what God commands and what pleases Him, we must first understand what it is that God requires. From the law comes a knowledge of sin. Also from the law comes a knowledge of righteousness.
A person could "accidentally" obey the law without doing so consciously. But such an action would have no moral virtue to it. Suppose a man enjoys driving his car at fifty miles an hour in fifty-five-mile-per-hour zones and in fifteen-mile-per-hour zones. When he drives in the fifty-five-mile-per-hour zone, he is within the speed limit. He is obeying the law. But when he goes fifty in a fifteen-mile-per-hour zone, he is a menace to those around him.
Suppose our mythical driver systematically refuses to look at speed limit signs. He averts his gaze from any sign that even appears to mark a speed limit. He keeps himself purposely unconscious of speed limits. At times he "happens" to obey the law, but purely by coincidence. If the man wants to achieve moral virtue as a driver and always drive within the speed limit, he must first become aware, he must become conscious of the law.
But consciousness is not enough. We all have seen people who are quite conscious of the speed limits while they are violating them. We don't have to look beyond ourselves to discover the culprits. For our behavior to change we must move beyond consciousness to conviction.
Conviction is a matter of depth and intensity. It is one thing to be aware that a certain action is right. It is another to have a conviction about it. It is a lot easier for us to compromise our knowledge than to act against convictions. A conviction is knowledge that is settled. It has a firm hold on us. It goes beyond our brains and penetrates the conscience.
Our conscience acts as a kind of governor upon our behavior. It is the inner voice that either accuses or excuses us. It monitors our behavior by way of approval or disapproval. The problem is that our conscience doesn't always tell us the truth. We are adept at training it in the direction of self-approval....
For the conscience to function in a godly convictions. To gain godly consciences, our consciousness of what is right and what is wrong must be sharpened. This involves the mind. It is a matter of doctrine.
(From Pleasing God by R. C. Sproul)
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
"How happy are those who have no doubts about me!"
Image by jimforest via Flickr"How happy are those who have no doubts about me!"
What kind of "prisons" tend to bring out doubts for you regarding Jesus?
The moving words of Ruth to Naomi as she pledged her commitment, are reflective of the commitment we must make "Whither thou goest I will go; and where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."
When you doubt, don't turn away from him, turn to him.
(Matthew 5:29-30)"So if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose one of your limbs than to have your whole body go off to hell."
What is Jesus' point in using such exaggerated language?
I believe we have here a fairly strong statement of how important it is to obey God. Obedience is worth more than readiness to perform the outward obligations of religion as indicated in (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Examine your life for anything that causes you to sin, and take every necessary action to remove it.
(James 1:19-21)"Remember this, my dear brothers! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. Man's anger does not achieve God's righteous conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you."
What from God's Word here will you put into action this week?
Control of our will is vital to our progress. Turning from evil and to God's control, is what is expected of us. If you truly wish to be obedient to God, it means turning your life totally over to God. Just as an athlete must turn control of his life to a coach, we must do the same, plus.
What kind of "prisons" tend to bring out doubts for you regarding Jesus?
The moving words of Ruth to Naomi as she pledged her commitment, are reflective of the commitment we must make "Whither thou goest I will go; and where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."
When you doubt, don't turn away from him, turn to him.
(Matthew 5:29-30)"So if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose one of your limbs than to have your whole body go off to hell."
What is Jesus' point in using such exaggerated language?
I believe we have here a fairly strong statement of how important it is to obey God. Obedience is worth more than readiness to perform the outward obligations of religion as indicated in (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Examine your life for anything that causes you to sin, and take every necessary action to remove it.
(James 1:19-21)"Remember this, my dear brothers! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. Man's anger does not achieve God's righteous conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you."
What from God's Word here will you put into action this week?
Control of our will is vital to our progress. Turning from evil and to God's control, is what is expected of us. If you truly wish to be obedient to God, it means turning your life totally over to God. Just as an athlete must turn control of his life to a coach, we must do the same, plus.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Economics of Soul
Image via WikipediaThe Economics of Soul
Care of the soul requires ongoing attention to every aspect of life. Essentially it is a cultivation of ordinary things in such a way that soul is nurtured and fostered. If we do not tend the soul consciously and artfully, then its issues remain largely unconscious, uncultivated, and therefore not at peace.
In many religious traditions, work is not set off from the precincts of the sacred, carefully designed life as are prayer, meditation and liturgy. Formal religion always gives us hints about the depth dimension of anything in daily life, in this case the idea that work is not the secular enterprise the modern world assumes it is. Whether we do it with mindfulness and spiritually, or whether it takes place in unmitigated unconsciousness, work affects the soul profoundly. It is full of spiritual areas and speaks to the soul at many different levels. It may for example, may bring up such factors as honesty, a days work, etc. They may be connected to religious rules, traditions, and ideals. Or work may be a means of sorting out issues that have little to do with work itself. It may be a response to eternal reward. We may find ourselves doing work that has been in the family for generations or working at a job that appeared after a number of coincidences and/or divine guidance. In this sense, all work is a vocation, a calling from a place that is the source of meaning and identity, God, the roots of which lie beyond human intention and interpretation.
The technical name for the category of rituals that take place in church, such as baptism or the eucharist, is liturgy. It comes from the Greek words laos and ergos, which together can be translated simply as “ordinary person’s work” or “the labor of the laity.” The rituals that take place in church are a kind of work, the soul’s work: something of the soul is being impacted by the work of the ritual. Still there is no need to separate that work from the work that goes on “in the world.” From a depth point of view, all work is liturgy. Ordinary actions, too, accomplish something for the soul. What takes place in a church is an examplar for what happens in the world. Church points out the profound, often hidden nature of worldly activity. We could say, then, that all work is sacred, whether you are building a road, cutting a person’s hair, or taking out the garbage.
We can bridge the gap between sacred church and secular world by occasionally spiritulizing the everyday things we do. It isn’t necessary to place a cloak of religiosity on everyday work in order to make it sacred; formal ritual is only a way of reminding ourselves of the ritual qualities that are in work anyway. Workers assume that their tasks, too are purely secular and functional, but even such ordinary jobs as carpentry, secretarial services, and gardening relate to the soul as much as to function.
Our work takes on narcissistic qualities when it does not serve well as a reflection of self. When that inherent reflection is lost, we become more concerned instead with how our work reflects on our reputations. We seek to repair our painful narcissism in the glow of achievement, and so we become distracted from the soul of the work for God’s glory. We are tempted to find satisfaction in secondary rewards, such as money, prestige, and the trappings of success.
It’s obvious that climbing the ladder of success can easily lead to loss of soul. An alternative may be to choose a profession or projects with soul in mind. If a potential employer describes all the benefits of a job, we could ask about the soul values. What is the spirit in this workplace? Will I be treated as a person here? Is there a feeling of community? Do people love their work? Is what we are doing and producing worthy of my commitment and long hours? Are there any moral problems in the jo9b or workplace – making things detrimental to people or to the earth, taking excessive profits or contributing to racial and sexist oppression? It is not possible to care for the soul while violating or disregarding one’s own moral sensibility. Narcissus and work are further related because the love that goes out into our work comes back as love of self.
When the soul is involved, the work is not carried out by the ego alone; it arises from a deeper place and therefore is not deprived of passion, spontaneity and grace.
Money and work are, of course, intimately related. By splitting concern for financial profit from the inherent values of work, money can become the focus of a job’s narcissism. In other worlds, pleasure in money can take the place of pleasure in work. Still, we all require money, and money can be an integral part of work without loss of soul. The crucial point is our attitude. In most work there can be a close relationship between caring for the world in which we live (ecology) and caring for the quality of our way of life (economy).
Mooney is simply the coinage of our relationship to the community and environment in which we live. It is the recognition that community is necessary and that it requires rules of participation. Money is cental in our attempts to live a communal life. From the perspective of soul, wealth and poverty come together in responsible use and enjoyment of this world, which is only leased to us for the period of our tenure here. The soul is nurtured by want as much as by plenty. When I speak for the soul of poverty, I do not mean one should romanticize Poverty as a means of transcending bodily life. Certain forms of spirituality flee the evils of money in favor of transcendence and moral purity.
Money can easily swamp the soul and carry consciousness off into compulsion and obsession. We have to distinguish between shadow qualities of money that are part of its soulfulness and shadow qualities of money that are part of its soulfulness and symptoms of money gone berserk. Greed, avarice, cheating, and embezzlement are signs that the soul of money has been lost. We act out the need for wealth of soul through its fetish, gathering actual sums of money without regard for morality, rather than entering the communal exchange of money.
Money brings us into the hand combat in the sacred warfare of life. It takes us out of innocent idealism and brings us into the deeper, mo9re soulful places where power, prestige, and self-worth are hammered out through substantial involvement in the making of culture. Therefore money can give grounding and grit to a soul.
The pleasure of hoarding can be seen as an archetypal quality of money itself, which becomes soul-denying only when it is the only way we deal with money, or when we use it for purely personal reasons. If the shadow is not acknowledged, however, the hoarding may be carried out with feelings of guilt, a sign that we are trying to do two things at once – enjoy money’s hoarding shadow and yet maintain innocence.
The relationship0 between money and work carries so much spirituality that it is both a burden and an extraordinary opportunity. Many of the problems associated with work center on money. We don’t make enough. We feel we are worth more than we are making. We don’t ask for the amount we deserve. Money is our only concern. Our fathers will be proud of us only when we have made as much as they have or more. We will feel part of adult society only when we have all the hallmarks of wealth and financial security. As a result of such feelings, we respond to money either shunning its power – or compulsively.
Failure in Work
According to traditional teaching, it is the life-embedded soul, not soaring spirit, that defines humanity. Christianity offers a profound image of this gesture of descent. Artists have painted hundreds of versions of the Annunciation, the moment when the Holy Spirit in the form of a bird in a shower of golden light makes the lowly women, Mary, pregnant with a divine child. This mystery is remembered every time an idea is brought into life. First we are inspired, and then we search out ways to give body to our inspirations.
If we could understand the feelings of inferiority and humbling occasioned by failure as meaningful in their own right, then we might incorporate failure into our work so that it doesn’t literally devastate us. Wallowing in it rather than letting it affect the heart, is a subtle defense against the corrosive action that is essential to it and that fosters soul. By appreciating failure with spirituality, we reconnect it to success.
Creativity with soul
Creativity, another potential source of soul in our work lives, is vital. Usually we imagine creativity from the puer point of view, investing it with idealism and lofty fantasies of exceptional achievement. In this sense, most work is not creative. It is ordinary, repetitious, and democratic.
But if we were to bring our very idea of creativity down to earth, it would not have to be reserved for exceptional individuals or identified with brilliance. In ordinary life creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience. Sometimes we can shape experience into meaningfulness prayerfully and spiritually. At other times, simply holding experience in memory and in reflection allows it to incubate and reveal some of its inspiration. Creativity may assume many different forms.
A mother may enjoy raising her children for months or years, every day thinking up new ideas for them. Then one day the inspiration leaves and emptiness takes over. If we could see how our blank spots are part of our creativity, we might not so quickly exclude this aspect of work from our humble lives.
Creative work can be exciting, inspiring, and godlike, but it is also humdrum, and full of anxieties, frustrations, dead ends, mistakes, and failures. It can be free of narcissism and focus on the problems the material world furnishes anyone who wants to make something of it. Creativity is, foremost, being in the world soulfully, for the only thing we truly make, whether in the arts, in business, or at home, is soul.
As we do our daily work, make our homes and marriages, raise our children, and fabricate a culture, we are all being creative. Entering our eternal life with generous attentiveness and care, we enjoy a soulful kind of creativity that may or may not have the brilliance of the work of great artists. The ultimate work, then, is an engagement with soul, responding to the demands of eternal life as it presents itself. Then the satisfactions of our work will be deep and long lasting, and undone neither by failures nor by flashes of success.
Care of the soul requires ongoing attention to every aspect of life. Essentially it is a cultivation of ordinary things in such a way that soul is nurtured and fostered. If we do not tend the soul consciously and artfully, then its issues remain largely unconscious, uncultivated, and therefore not at peace.
In many religious traditions, work is not set off from the precincts of the sacred, carefully designed life as are prayer, meditation and liturgy. Formal religion always gives us hints about the depth dimension of anything in daily life, in this case the idea that work is not the secular enterprise the modern world assumes it is. Whether we do it with mindfulness and spiritually, or whether it takes place in unmitigated unconsciousness, work affects the soul profoundly. It is full of spiritual areas and speaks to the soul at many different levels. It may for example, may bring up such factors as honesty, a days work, etc. They may be connected to religious rules, traditions, and ideals. Or work may be a means of sorting out issues that have little to do with work itself. It may be a response to eternal reward. We may find ourselves doing work that has been in the family for generations or working at a job that appeared after a number of coincidences and/or divine guidance. In this sense, all work is a vocation, a calling from a place that is the source of meaning and identity, God, the roots of which lie beyond human intention and interpretation.
The technical name for the category of rituals that take place in church, such as baptism or the eucharist, is liturgy. It comes from the Greek words laos and ergos, which together can be translated simply as “ordinary person’s work” or “the labor of the laity.” The rituals that take place in church are a kind of work, the soul’s work: something of the soul is being impacted by the work of the ritual. Still there is no need to separate that work from the work that goes on “in the world.” From a depth point of view, all work is liturgy. Ordinary actions, too, accomplish something for the soul. What takes place in a church is an examplar for what happens in the world. Church points out the profound, often hidden nature of worldly activity. We could say, then, that all work is sacred, whether you are building a road, cutting a person’s hair, or taking out the garbage.
We can bridge the gap between sacred church and secular world by occasionally spiritulizing the everyday things we do. It isn’t necessary to place a cloak of religiosity on everyday work in order to make it sacred; formal ritual is only a way of reminding ourselves of the ritual qualities that are in work anyway. Workers assume that their tasks, too are purely secular and functional, but even such ordinary jobs as carpentry, secretarial services, and gardening relate to the soul as much as to function.
Our work takes on narcissistic qualities when it does not serve well as a reflection of self. When that inherent reflection is lost, we become more concerned instead with how our work reflects on our reputations. We seek to repair our painful narcissism in the glow of achievement, and so we become distracted from the soul of the work for God’s glory. We are tempted to find satisfaction in secondary rewards, such as money, prestige, and the trappings of success.
It’s obvious that climbing the ladder of success can easily lead to loss of soul. An alternative may be to choose a profession or projects with soul in mind. If a potential employer describes all the benefits of a job, we could ask about the soul values. What is the spirit in this workplace? Will I be treated as a person here? Is there a feeling of community? Do people love their work? Is what we are doing and producing worthy of my commitment and long hours? Are there any moral problems in the jo9b or workplace – making things detrimental to people or to the earth, taking excessive profits or contributing to racial and sexist oppression? It is not possible to care for the soul while violating or disregarding one’s own moral sensibility. Narcissus and work are further related because the love that goes out into our work comes back as love of self.
When the soul is involved, the work is not carried out by the ego alone; it arises from a deeper place and therefore is not deprived of passion, spontaneity and grace.
Money and work are, of course, intimately related. By splitting concern for financial profit from the inherent values of work, money can become the focus of a job’s narcissism. In other worlds, pleasure in money can take the place of pleasure in work. Still, we all require money, and money can be an integral part of work without loss of soul. The crucial point is our attitude. In most work there can be a close relationship between caring for the world in which we live (ecology) and caring for the quality of our way of life (economy).
Mooney is simply the coinage of our relationship to the community and environment in which we live. It is the recognition that community is necessary and that it requires rules of participation. Money is cental in our attempts to live a communal life. From the perspective of soul, wealth and poverty come together in responsible use and enjoyment of this world, which is only leased to us for the period of our tenure here. The soul is nurtured by want as much as by plenty. When I speak for the soul of poverty, I do not mean one should romanticize Poverty as a means of transcending bodily life. Certain forms of spirituality flee the evils of money in favor of transcendence and moral purity.
Money can easily swamp the soul and carry consciousness off into compulsion and obsession. We have to distinguish between shadow qualities of money that are part of its soulfulness and shadow qualities of money that are part of its soulfulness and symptoms of money gone berserk. Greed, avarice, cheating, and embezzlement are signs that the soul of money has been lost. We act out the need for wealth of soul through its fetish, gathering actual sums of money without regard for morality, rather than entering the communal exchange of money.
Money brings us into the hand combat in the sacred warfare of life. It takes us out of innocent idealism and brings us into the deeper, mo9re soulful places where power, prestige, and self-worth are hammered out through substantial involvement in the making of culture. Therefore money can give grounding and grit to a soul.
The pleasure of hoarding can be seen as an archetypal quality of money itself, which becomes soul-denying only when it is the only way we deal with money, or when we use it for purely personal reasons. If the shadow is not acknowledged, however, the hoarding may be carried out with feelings of guilt, a sign that we are trying to do two things at once – enjoy money’s hoarding shadow and yet maintain innocence.
The relationship0 between money and work carries so much spirituality that it is both a burden and an extraordinary opportunity. Many of the problems associated with work center on money. We don’t make enough. We feel we are worth more than we are making. We don’t ask for the amount we deserve. Money is our only concern. Our fathers will be proud of us only when we have made as much as they have or more. We will feel part of adult society only when we have all the hallmarks of wealth and financial security. As a result of such feelings, we respond to money either shunning its power – or compulsively.
Failure in Work
According to traditional teaching, it is the life-embedded soul, not soaring spirit, that defines humanity. Christianity offers a profound image of this gesture of descent. Artists have painted hundreds of versions of the Annunciation, the moment when the Holy Spirit in the form of a bird in a shower of golden light makes the lowly women, Mary, pregnant with a divine child. This mystery is remembered every time an idea is brought into life. First we are inspired, and then we search out ways to give body to our inspirations.
If we could understand the feelings of inferiority and humbling occasioned by failure as meaningful in their own right, then we might incorporate failure into our work so that it doesn’t literally devastate us. Wallowing in it rather than letting it affect the heart, is a subtle defense against the corrosive action that is essential to it and that fosters soul. By appreciating failure with spirituality, we reconnect it to success.
Creativity with soul
Creativity, another potential source of soul in our work lives, is vital. Usually we imagine creativity from the puer point of view, investing it with idealism and lofty fantasies of exceptional achievement. In this sense, most work is not creative. It is ordinary, repetitious, and democratic.
But if we were to bring our very idea of creativity down to earth, it would not have to be reserved for exceptional individuals or identified with brilliance. In ordinary life creativity means making something for the soul out of every experience. Sometimes we can shape experience into meaningfulness prayerfully and spiritually. At other times, simply holding experience in memory and in reflection allows it to incubate and reveal some of its inspiration. Creativity may assume many different forms.
A mother may enjoy raising her children for months or years, every day thinking up new ideas for them. Then one day the inspiration leaves and emptiness takes over. If we could see how our blank spots are part of our creativity, we might not so quickly exclude this aspect of work from our humble lives.
Creative work can be exciting, inspiring, and godlike, but it is also humdrum, and full of anxieties, frustrations, dead ends, mistakes, and failures. It can be free of narcissism and focus on the problems the material world furnishes anyone who wants to make something of it. Creativity is, foremost, being in the world soulfully, for the only thing we truly make, whether in the arts, in business, or at home, is soul.
As we do our daily work, make our homes and marriages, raise our children, and fabricate a culture, we are all being creative. Entering our eternal life with generous attentiveness and care, we enjoy a soulful kind of creativity that may or may not have the brilliance of the work of great artists. The ultimate work, then, is an engagement with soul, responding to the demands of eternal life as it presents itself. Then the satisfactions of our work will be deep and long lasting, and undone neither by failures nor by flashes of success.
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Friday, September 24, 2010
What his will is."I know what his will is by those who direct me; whatever they bid me do, if it is ever so small in itself, it is the will of God for me. Then do it in the manner he wills it, not sewing an old thing as if it were new or a new thing as if it were old; not fretting because the oven is too hot, or in a fuss because it is too cold. You understand - not flying and driving because you are too hurried, not creeping like a snail because no one pushes you. Our dear Savior was never in extremes. The third object is to do his will because he wills it, that is, to be ready to quit at any moment and do anything else to which you may be called."
Image via WikipediaWhat his will is."I know what his will is by those who direct me; whatever they bid me do, if it is ever so small in itself, it is the will of God for me. Then do it in the manner he wills it, not sewing an old thing as if it were new or a new thing as if it were old; not fretting because the oven is too hot, or in a fuss because it is too cold. You understand - not flying and driving because you are too hurried, not creeping like a snail because no one pushes you. Our dear Savior was never in extremes. The third object is to do his will because he wills it, that is, to be ready to quit at any moment and do anything else to which you may be called."
"Be above the vain fears of nature and efforts of your enemy. You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, and the best of Fathers waits there to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow in tears, but you may be sure to reap in Joy." (Elizabeth Ann Seton).
God claims all of our lives, both spiritual and earthly as his own. How might this realization change common perceptions of worship, church, stewardship, and the like?
Who are humans? Who is Man? We are creatures of God, made in his image as Sons or Daughters to join Him in heaven. Why? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). This means we live here on earth a life received from and lived for God in dependence and active obedience, so that we can make the decision to join Him and to prepare for that joining.
(Matthew 12:50)"Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants him to do is my brother, my sister, and my mother."
From your life this week, would others see you as a "Brother or sister" of Jesus?
As we have seen above, God has trained his children to offer praise to him, and that when we do so we become Christ's brother and sisters. And again as we are reminded in the following statement, We also are created in the image of God.
"God created man in his own image" (Gen. 1:27). Genesis goes on to assert that: "Man is privileged to run the world, but he/she is ultimately responsible and accountable to its Creator.
"Thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee," (St. Augustine)
"Be above the vain fears of nature and efforts of your enemy. You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, and the best of Fathers waits there to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow in tears, but you may be sure to reap in Joy." (Elizabeth Ann Seton).
God claims all of our lives, both spiritual and earthly as his own. How might this realization change common perceptions of worship, church, stewardship, and the like?
Who are humans? Who is Man? We are creatures of God, made in his image as Sons or Daughters to join Him in heaven. Why? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). This means we live here on earth a life received from and lived for God in dependence and active obedience, so that we can make the decision to join Him and to prepare for that joining.
(Matthew 12:50)"Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants him to do is my brother, my sister, and my mother."
From your life this week, would others see you as a "Brother or sister" of Jesus?
As we have seen above, God has trained his children to offer praise to him, and that when we do so we become Christ's brother and sisters. And again as we are reminded in the following statement, We also are created in the image of God.
"God created man in his own image" (Gen. 1:27). Genesis goes on to assert that: "Man is privileged to run the world, but he/she is ultimately responsible and accountable to its Creator.
"Thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee," (St. Augustine)
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Thursday, September 23, 2010
How will I change my orientation?
Image by Lawrence OP via FlickrHow will I change my orientation?
Now that we have a better understanding of how Jesus Christ is important to us; let us take a look at the "Spirit" which also will provide support to us.
(John 14: 15-17)"If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him because he remains with you and is in you."
(John 14:25-26)"I have told you this while I am still with you. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you."
How are disciples to show love to each other?
Now that we have learned, that the Spirit" will teach us and reveal too us the proper paths; it puts on the action point - to listen and to act.
The leading quality Jesus stated, followed and provided guidance for was: Complete Obedience to God, so that we could glorify his and our Father.
What is human life about?
Christ, as we should, acknowledge total dependence on his Father in Heaven, with joy and thanks. By doing this, he freed himself from the responsibility of the results and only had to concentrate on "doing His best" to utilize God's help (grace), guidance (Holy Spirit), to accomplish what his Father expected.
He created us (merged a human and spiritual form (image of God - soul)) so that we can make a choice, to become his Son or Daughter in Heaven, giving truly loving and committed Glory to Him and as a result of our joining with Him, to ourselves, "God's Family."
Now that we have a better understanding of how Jesus Christ is important to us; let us take a look at the "Spirit" which also will provide support to us.
(John 14: 15-17)"If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him because he remains with you and is in you."
(John 14:25-26)"I have told you this while I am still with you. The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you."
How are disciples to show love to each other?
Now that we have learned, that the Spirit" will teach us and reveal too us the proper paths; it puts on the action point - to listen and to act.
The leading quality Jesus stated, followed and provided guidance for was: Complete Obedience to God, so that we could glorify his and our Father.
What is human life about?
Christ, as we should, acknowledge total dependence on his Father in Heaven, with joy and thanks. By doing this, he freed himself from the responsibility of the results and only had to concentrate on "doing His best" to utilize God's help (grace), guidance (Holy Spirit), to accomplish what his Father expected.
He created us (merged a human and spiritual form (image of God - soul)) so that we can make a choice, to become his Son or Daughter in Heaven, giving truly loving and committed Glory to Him and as a result of our joining with Him, to ourselves, "God's Family."
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Christ has become our Principal" or "Coach" in the training plan our Father has provides us. Christ along with our Father in Heaven has provides us with the training plan. We have also been provided a "Teacher" or "Trainer" in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will provide us the day to day, hour to hour guidance we need, to reach our goals.
Image via WikipediaChrist has become our Principal" or "Coach" in the training plan our Father has provides us. Christ along with our Father in Heaven has provides us with the training plan. We have also been provided a "Teacher" or "Trainer" in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will provide us the day to day, hour to hour guidance we need, to reach our goals.
How am I going to be a better Host" to God within me?
In Phase 3 - God's Son turned over the program to the "Spirit." We find this Phase being reflected by the New Testament, from Acts to Jude. This phase along with the 2nd Phase, brings his children more into harmony with the will of God the Father.
As example of this is when a shepherd adds a dog to help him watch over the sheep. The dog helps to watch; that the sheep do not wander and helps to provide the sheep with guidance. The Holy Spirit will provide that guidance to us; as long as we listen.
The Holy Spirit is a form of God which comes to Man in an inward way to enlighten, guide and strengthen him.
With the Holy Spirit we get to know God closer and make him a active part of our lives. We get to know him as our Father and ourselves as children of God (Romans 8: 12-17 and Galatians 4:6).
How will the Spirit" Help You?
God the Father through the history of the World presented in the Bible; provided many prophets; which acted as guides to help the people of Israel to serve Him. The prophets were frequently persecuted and ignored. Well God in his Love, would not give up, in his need to bring his Children to join him and his Son in Heaven. He in his deep Love sent His only Son who was with him in Heaven, down to His Children. This was done to provide an example and to correct many incorrect ideas of the training and preparation program that was provided to His Children. When the Son finished providing the guidance and correction His Children needed. God sent the third aspect of Himself (Triune God), the Holy Spirit. We have been seeing the Spirit's guidance through the previous lessons. But let us take a more in-depth look at it.
How am I going to be a better Host" to God within me?
In Phase 3 - God's Son turned over the program to the "Spirit." We find this Phase being reflected by the New Testament, from Acts to Jude. This phase along with the 2nd Phase, brings his children more into harmony with the will of God the Father.
As example of this is when a shepherd adds a dog to help him watch over the sheep. The dog helps to watch; that the sheep do not wander and helps to provide the sheep with guidance. The Holy Spirit will provide that guidance to us; as long as we listen.
The Holy Spirit is a form of God which comes to Man in an inward way to enlighten, guide and strengthen him.
With the Holy Spirit we get to know God closer and make him a active part of our lives. We get to know him as our Father and ourselves as children of God (Romans 8: 12-17 and Galatians 4:6).
How will the Spirit" Help You?
God the Father through the history of the World presented in the Bible; provided many prophets; which acted as guides to help the people of Israel to serve Him. The prophets were frequently persecuted and ignored. Well God in his Love, would not give up, in his need to bring his Children to join him and his Son in Heaven. He in his deep Love sent His only Son who was with him in Heaven, down to His Children. This was done to provide an example and to correct many incorrect ideas of the training and preparation program that was provided to His Children. When the Son finished providing the guidance and correction His Children needed. God sent the third aspect of Himself (Triune God), the Holy Spirit. We have been seeing the Spirit's guidance through the previous lessons. But let us take a more in-depth look at it.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What is wrong with your relationship to God?
Image via Wikipedia What is wrong with your relationship to God?
Napoleon has been reported to say: "I know men and I tell you. Jesus is not a man. He commands us to believe, and gives no other reason than his awful words I AM GOD." Philosophers try to solve the mysteries of the universe by their empty dissertations: fools: they are like the infant that cries to have the moon for a plaything. Christ never hesitates. He speaks with authority. His religion is a mystery; but it subsists by it's own force. He seeks and absolutely requires, the love of men, the most difficult thing in the world to obtain.
"Alexander, Cesar, Hannibal conquered the world, but had no friends. I myself am perhaps the only person of my day who loves Alexander, Cesar, Hannibal. Alexander, Cesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires, but upon what? Force. Jesus founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions would die for him. I myself have inspired multitudes with such affection that they would die for me. But my presence was necessary. Now that I am in St. Helena, where are my friends? I am forgotten, soon to return to earth, and become food for worms. When an abyss between my misery and the eternal Kingdom of Christ, who is proclaimed, loved, adored, and which is extending over all the earth. Is this death? I tell you, the death of Christ is not the death of God. I tell you, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD."
And this was from an intelligent powerful non Christian.
Here we see an answer to those who might ask "where is your God?"
What is my plan of "Glory to God?"
(Romans 1:18-22)"God's anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known. God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain. Ever since God created the world, his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are received in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. They say they are wise, but they are fools."
What attitudes do you have that lead to evil acts?
Napoleon has been reported to say: "I know men and I tell you. Jesus is not a man. He commands us to believe, and gives no other reason than his awful words I AM GOD." Philosophers try to solve the mysteries of the universe by their empty dissertations: fools: they are like the infant that cries to have the moon for a plaything. Christ never hesitates. He speaks with authority. His religion is a mystery; but it subsists by it's own force. He seeks and absolutely requires, the love of men, the most difficult thing in the world to obtain.
"Alexander, Cesar, Hannibal conquered the world, but had no friends. I myself am perhaps the only person of my day who loves Alexander, Cesar, Hannibal. Alexander, Cesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires, but upon what? Force. Jesus founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions would die for him. I myself have inspired multitudes with such affection that they would die for me. But my presence was necessary. Now that I am in St. Helena, where are my friends? I am forgotten, soon to return to earth, and become food for worms. When an abyss between my misery and the eternal Kingdom of Christ, who is proclaimed, loved, adored, and which is extending over all the earth. Is this death? I tell you, the death of Christ is not the death of God. I tell you, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD."
And this was from an intelligent powerful non Christian.
Here we see an answer to those who might ask "where is your God?"
What is my plan of "Glory to God?"
(Romans 1:18-22)"God's anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known. God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain. Ever since God created the world, his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are received in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. They say they are wise, but they are fools."
What attitudes do you have that lead to evil acts?
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Monday, September 20, 2010
Life of the future.We shall gain the life of the future rather than the death of not being with our father, if we have faith. But as we see in the next topic, this word means more than just believing.
Image via WikipediaLife of the future.We shall gain the life of the future rather than the death of not being with our father, if we have faith. But as we see in the next topic, this word means more than just believing.
(Romans 1:17)"For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, 'The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.'"
Paul wrote this letter to teach the Christian faith to the first Believers in Rome. He taught that no one deserves God's love. Sin paints an ugly picture in people and in a culture. Without God's intervention, we have no way to deal with sin.
What does it mean to be righteous?....
Righteousness has nothing to do with doing good works, though good works are a byproduct of being righteous. Jesus spoke of God as the only one who is truly good. The word "good" is a synonym for righteous, so it follows that to be righteous is to be like God. But how can anyone be like God, who is holy and perfect?
... Righteousness, meaning to be right or just, begins with believing God. It sounds so simple, but how many times do we disbelieve God? God's formulas are so simple that we ignore them because we think there must be more to it than that.
All sin is rooted in unbelief. All righteousness is rooted in belief. Believe God for all His promises and He will count it unto you as righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, God's ultimate standard and incarnation of righteousness, and be saved. Believe in Jesus Christ to deliver you in your day of trouble and learn what the righteousness of Christ can do in and through you.
(From Unto the Hills by Billy Graham)
How does the bleak side of life reflect your experience? Is that where you are? If it is, switch sides - join God's side. If you already have, than thank him throughout the day for his mercy.
(Romans 1:17)"For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, 'The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.'"
Paul wrote this letter to teach the Christian faith to the first Believers in Rome. He taught that no one deserves God's love. Sin paints an ugly picture in people and in a culture. Without God's intervention, we have no way to deal with sin.
What does it mean to be righteous?....
Righteousness has nothing to do with doing good works, though good works are a byproduct of being righteous. Jesus spoke of God as the only one who is truly good. The word "good" is a synonym for righteous, so it follows that to be righteous is to be like God. But how can anyone be like God, who is holy and perfect?
... Righteousness, meaning to be right or just, begins with believing God. It sounds so simple, but how many times do we disbelieve God? God's formulas are so simple that we ignore them because we think there must be more to it than that.
All sin is rooted in unbelief. All righteousness is rooted in belief. Believe God for all His promises and He will count it unto you as righteousness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, God's ultimate standard and incarnation of righteousness, and be saved. Believe in Jesus Christ to deliver you in your day of trouble and learn what the righteousness of Christ can do in and through you.
(From Unto the Hills by Billy Graham)
How does the bleak side of life reflect your experience? Is that where you are? If it is, switch sides - join God's side. If you already have, than thank him throughout the day for his mercy.
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Billy Graham,
Good works,
Jesus Christ,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Better Listen.I guess we better listen to what he has to say.
Image via WikipediaBetter Listen.I guess we better listen to what he has to say.
(John 5: 36-38)"What I do, that is, the deeds my Father gave me to do, these speak on my behalf and show that the Father has sent me. And the Father, who sent me, also testifies on my behalf. You have never heard his voice or seen his face, and you do not keep his message in your hearts for you do not believe in the one whom he sent."
How can you use Scripture to cultivate the love of God in you?
He's the boss. We better get "crackin" on the training plan.
(John 5:43)"I have come with my Father's authority, but you have not received me."
The Triune God is coming to live within us, we better become great hosts.
(John 14:23-24)Jesus answered him, "Whoever loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and my Father and I will come to him and live with him. Whoever does not love me does not obey my teaching. And the teaching you have heard is not mine, but comes from the Father, who sent me."
Are the Trinity, owners or temporary guest in your life?
Some of Christ last words, concentrated on obedience. That sure puts some more emphasis on that area.
(John 14:30-31)"I cannot talk with you much longer, because the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me, but the world must know that I love the Father; that is why I do everything as he commands me."
Where do you need Jesus' peace? Where can you find hope in this passage?
(John 5: 36-38)"What I do, that is, the deeds my Father gave me to do, these speak on my behalf and show that the Father has sent me. And the Father, who sent me, also testifies on my behalf. You have never heard his voice or seen his face, and you do not keep his message in your hearts for you do not believe in the one whom he sent."
How can you use Scripture to cultivate the love of God in you?
He's the boss. We better get "crackin" on the training plan.
(John 5:43)"I have come with my Father's authority, but you have not received me."
The Triune God is coming to live within us, we better become great hosts.
(John 14:23-24)Jesus answered him, "Whoever loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and my Father and I will come to him and live with him. Whoever does not love me does not obey my teaching. And the teaching you have heard is not mine, but comes from the Father, who sent me."
Are the Trinity, owners or temporary guest in your life?
Some of Christ last words, concentrated on obedience. That sure puts some more emphasis on that area.
(John 14:30-31)"I cannot talk with you much longer, because the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me, but the world must know that I love the Father; that is why I do everything as he commands me."
Where do you need Jesus' peace? Where can you find hope in this passage?
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
How will belief show itself in your world?
Image via WikipediaHow will belief show itself in your world?
Repetition is one of the best ways to emphasize something and to teach it. We again see that we must believe in Christ, do as he did and obey his Father, and then we will be freed from the bondage of this world.
(John 8:25-36)Who are you?" they asked him. Jesus answered, "What I have told you from the very beginning. I have much to say about you, much to condemn you for. The one who sent me however, is truthful, and I tell the world only what I have heard from Him."
"They did not understand that Jesus was talking to them about the Father. So he said to them, 'When you lift up the Son of Man, you will know that 'I am who I am;' then you will know that I do nothing on my own authority, but I say only what the Father has instructed me to say. And he who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, because I always do what pleases him."
Many who heard Jesus say these things believed in him.
So Jesus said to those who believed in him, "I you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave does not belong to a family permanently, but a son belongs there forever. If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free."
How can you be a light bearer?
Again we see the emphasis on being submissive to the Father.
(John 5:30-31)"I can do nothing on my own authority; I judge only as God tells me, so my judgment is right, because I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants.
"If I testify on my own behalf, what I say is not to be accepted as real proof."
How does this effect your self image? Your life-style? Your life Goals?
Repetition is one of the best ways to emphasize something and to teach it. We again see that we must believe in Christ, do as he did and obey his Father, and then we will be freed from the bondage of this world.
(John 8:25-36)Who are you?" they asked him. Jesus answered, "What I have told you from the very beginning. I have much to say about you, much to condemn you for. The one who sent me however, is truthful, and I tell the world only what I have heard from Him."
"They did not understand that Jesus was talking to them about the Father. So he said to them, 'When you lift up the Son of Man, you will know that 'I am who I am;' then you will know that I do nothing on my own authority, but I say only what the Father has instructed me to say. And he who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, because I always do what pleases him."
Many who heard Jesus say these things believed in him.
So Jesus said to those who believed in him, "I you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave does not belong to a family permanently, but a son belongs there forever. If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free."
How can you be a light bearer?
Again we see the emphasis on being submissive to the Father.
(John 5:30-31)"I can do nothing on my own authority; I judge only as God tells me, so my judgment is right, because I am not trying to do what I want, but only what he who sent me wants.
"If I testify on my own behalf, what I say is not to be accepted as real proof."
How does this effect your self image? Your life-style? Your life Goals?
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Friday, September 17, 2010
Christian Doctrine – 1 – God
Image by Getty Images via @daylifeChristian Doctrine – 1 – God
Online Access
My Kingdom/"Higher Power" Kingdom
Let's start this lesson by defining "Higher Power" or as many know it, God. "God" is something for which a man will sacrifice everything else.
Who/what is your god/God?
"A man's god may be his own individual success or pleasure or happiness. It may be his family or his nation or even his church. It may be an ethical idea or a political cause. In our time it may even be 'nothingness' or 'meaninglessness.'" (Christian Doctrine-Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr.)
A person's "God"' provides a purpose for his life. This purpose provides Goals to achieve and the motivation to achieve them. And as a result of man's desire to achieve these goals and purpose, he learns to understand his "God." We start to get a handle on this subject, and yet the question still may persist: Is their a God?
"If... one puts aside the existence of God and the possibility of survival as too doubtful, to have any effect on one's behavior, one has to make up one's mind what is the meaning and use of life. If death ends all, if I have neither to hope for good to come nor to fear evil, I must ask myself what I am here for, and how in these circumstances i must conduct myself" (Somerset Maugham).
This question is a book in itself. I will not try to completely answer that question at this time. But I would like to throw out just a few comments on that question. Another question that persists is: "Do I need God?"
Let's start this lesson by defining "Higher Power" or as many know it, God. "God" is something for which a man will sacrifice everything else.
Top of Form
Who/what is your god/God?
"A man's god may be his own individual success or pleasure or happiness. It may be his family or his nation or even his church. It may be an ethical idea or a political cause. In our time it may even be 'nothingness' or 'meaninglessness.'" (Christian Doctrine-Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr.)
A person's "God"' provides a purpose for his life. This purpose provides Goals to achieve and the motivation to achieve them. And as a result of man's desire to achieve these goals and purpose, he learns to understand his "God." We start to get a handle on this subject, and yet the question still may persist: Is their a God?
"If... one puts aside the existence of God and the possibility of survival as too doubtful, to have any effect on one's behavior, one has to make up one's mind what is the meaning and use of life. If death ends all, if I have neither to hope for good to come nor to fear evil, I must ask myself what I am here for, and how in these circumstances i must conduct myself" (Somerset Maugham).
This question is a book in itself. I will not try to completely answer that question at this time. But I would like to throw out just a few comments on that question. Another question that persists is: "Do I need God?"
"When man submits God to moral judgment. He kills him in his own heart. And then what is the basis of morality? God is denied in the name of justice but can the idea of justice be understood without the idea of God?" (Albert Camus).
Another question that persists is: "how do I know what to do?
"If I have excluded God the Father, there must be somebody to invent values.
"If God does not exist... man is in consequence forlorn, for he cannot find anything to depend upon either within or outside himself." (Jean-Paul Sartre).
Another question that persist is: "Why not just live my life in the world?"
"Since there are many steps by which one mounts to the home of truth, it is not easy for anyone to reach the top. For when lights are dazzling one with the brightness of thee truth, if one does not keep a firm foothold down one rolls to the bottom again. Now the first step is.... to cast aside the impious worship of gods made with hands. The second step is to perceive with the mind the fact that God is one most high, whose power and providence makes the world from thee beginning and directs it towards a future. The third step is to know His Servant and Messenger, whom He sent, an embassy to Earth. (Lactantius-Christian apologist-North Africa).
Without a "God," life has no purpose, nothing "to live for." Life has no motivation to utilize, no goals to achieve, and no success to enjoy. Without a "God," Life is not worth living. If you desire to live life to its fullest; you must select a "God." The degree of fullness and success is based on the "God" you select.
Why not science and knowledge?
"The question I am asking is: can scientists and politicians who have acquired god-like power too alter our way of life be restrained y the application of moral principles? if so, what moral principals?" (Edmond Leach-1967 Reith Lecture).
Ask any scientist who may have studied the history of humanity about one of the most common things between all groups of history. Regardless of how uncivilized the group may be; they had a "god" or "gods." To them they only had to look at the world around them and realize that somehow it had to come into existence. It certainly was something that they could not have created or could they control it. Through the years of history we have made many attempts to create or control this world. Yes, we have had a little bit of success. But the percentage of what we have been able to create or control is so small compared to the total; that it may not even be possible for our greatest mathematician to come up with it.
How do we come to know "God?"
Yes you can know God personally, as presumptuous as that may sound. god is so eager to establish a personal, loving relationship with you that He has already made all the arrangements. He is patiently and lovingly waiting for you to respond to His invitation.
How am I going to learn about my coaches?
God is known by various ways.
(Job 9:8-12)
"No one helped God spread out the heavens or trample the sea monsters back. God hung the stars in the south. We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end. God passes by, but I cannot see him. He takes what he wants, and no one can stop him, no one dares ask him; 'What are you doing?'"
When have you felt small and most overwhelmed by an awesome natural wonder: (a) On top of a mountain or canyon? (b) Flying? (c) Inside a mammoth cave? (d) Sailing the ocean? (e) Gazing at the stars?
By contrast, when do you feel BIG?
Which did you feel last week - small or BIG? Why?
We are now led to know "God" by the ways he has provided us. This is what we will be studying in the course next.
Online Access
My Kingdom/"Higher Power" Kingdom
Let's start this lesson by defining "Higher Power" or as many know it, God. "God" is something for which a man will sacrifice everything else.
Who/what is your god/God?
"A man's god may be his own individual success or pleasure or happiness. It may be his family or his nation or even his church. It may be an ethical idea or a political cause. In our time it may even be 'nothingness' or 'meaninglessness.'" (Christian Doctrine-Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr.)
A person's "God"' provides a purpose for his life. This purpose provides Goals to achieve and the motivation to achieve them. And as a result of man's desire to achieve these goals and purpose, he learns to understand his "God." We start to get a handle on this subject, and yet the question still may persist: Is their a God?
"If... one puts aside the existence of God and the possibility of survival as too doubtful, to have any effect on one's behavior, one has to make up one's mind what is the meaning and use of life. If death ends all, if I have neither to hope for good to come nor to fear evil, I must ask myself what I am here for, and how in these circumstances i must conduct myself" (Somerset Maugham).
This question is a book in itself. I will not try to completely answer that question at this time. But I would like to throw out just a few comments on that question. Another question that persists is: "Do I need God?"
Let's start this lesson by defining "Higher Power" or as many know it, God. "God" is something for which a man will sacrifice everything else.
Top of Form
Who/what is your god/God?
"A man's god may be his own individual success or pleasure or happiness. It may be his family or his nation or even his church. It may be an ethical idea or a political cause. In our time it may even be 'nothingness' or 'meaninglessness.'" (Christian Doctrine-Shirley C. Guthrie, Jr.)
A person's "God"' provides a purpose for his life. This purpose provides Goals to achieve and the motivation to achieve them. And as a result of man's desire to achieve these goals and purpose, he learns to understand his "God." We start to get a handle on this subject, and yet the question still may persist: Is their a God?
"If... one puts aside the existence of God and the possibility of survival as too doubtful, to have any effect on one's behavior, one has to make up one's mind what is the meaning and use of life. If death ends all, if I have neither to hope for good to come nor to fear evil, I must ask myself what I am here for, and how in these circumstances i must conduct myself" (Somerset Maugham).
This question is a book in itself. I will not try to completely answer that question at this time. But I would like to throw out just a few comments on that question. Another question that persists is: "Do I need God?"
"When man submits God to moral judgment. He kills him in his own heart. And then what is the basis of morality? God is denied in the name of justice but can the idea of justice be understood without the idea of God?" (Albert Camus).
Another question that persists is: "how do I know what to do?
"If I have excluded God the Father, there must be somebody to invent values.
"If God does not exist... man is in consequence forlorn, for he cannot find anything to depend upon either within or outside himself." (Jean-Paul Sartre).
Another question that persist is: "Why not just live my life in the world?"
"Since there are many steps by which one mounts to the home of truth, it is not easy for anyone to reach the top. For when lights are dazzling one with the brightness of thee truth, if one does not keep a firm foothold down one rolls to the bottom again. Now the first step is.... to cast aside the impious worship of gods made with hands. The second step is to perceive with the mind the fact that God is one most high, whose power and providence makes the world from thee beginning and directs it towards a future. The third step is to know His Servant and Messenger, whom He sent, an embassy to Earth. (Lactantius-Christian apologist-North Africa).
Without a "God," life has no purpose, nothing "to live for." Life has no motivation to utilize, no goals to achieve, and no success to enjoy. Without a "God," Life is not worth living. If you desire to live life to its fullest; you must select a "God." The degree of fullness and success is based on the "God" you select.
Why not science and knowledge?
"The question I am asking is: can scientists and politicians who have acquired god-like power too alter our way of life be restrained y the application of moral principles? if so, what moral principals?" (Edmond Leach-1967 Reith Lecture).
Ask any scientist who may have studied the history of humanity about one of the most common things between all groups of history. Regardless of how uncivilized the group may be; they had a "god" or "gods." To them they only had to look at the world around them and realize that somehow it had to come into existence. It certainly was something that they could not have created or could they control it. Through the years of history we have made many attempts to create or control this world. Yes, we have had a little bit of success. But the percentage of what we have been able to create or control is so small compared to the total; that it may not even be possible for our greatest mathematician to come up with it.
How do we come to know "God?"
Yes you can know God personally, as presumptuous as that may sound. god is so eager to establish a personal, loving relationship with you that He has already made all the arrangements. He is patiently and lovingly waiting for you to respond to His invitation.
How am I going to learn about my coaches?
God is known by various ways.
(Job 9:8-12)
"No one helped God spread out the heavens or trample the sea monsters back. God hung the stars in the south. We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end. God passes by, but I cannot see him. He takes what he wants, and no one can stop him, no one dares ask him; 'What are you doing?'"
When have you felt small and most overwhelmed by an awesome natural wonder: (a) On top of a mountain or canyon? (b) Flying? (c) Inside a mammoth cave? (d) Sailing the ocean? (e) Gazing at the stars?
By contrast, when do you feel BIG?
Which did you feel last week - small or BIG? Why?
We are now led to know "God" by the ways he has provided us. This is what we will be studying in the course next.
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