One of God's most important promises for you is "If with all your heart ye shall truly seek me, ye shall surely find me."
Ah, there perhaps is our first clue of difficulty - "if with all your heart..."
Ask yourself, am I after all seeking God with my whole heart?
Or must I say in all honesty, "I want God, and yet I don't yet trust Him. I want to commit to Him, and yet I don't, for I would be afraid to..."
I wonder if you are brave enough to face the truth?
Perhaps there are times, when we flirt with this trust and commitment - to help us over some difficult problem; but what about that everyday life?
We can't treat God that way!
Do you really want to deal with God?
Why do I want to join him in Heaven?
Are there not some things you love better than Him - maybe it is that neat compromises we have made whereby our religion will not interfere with our life... maybe it is the secret gods which we indulge and commit to...
Do we love them more then we love Him?
Do we want Him, but on our terms?
We want His way, but we want our way to be in control.
We pray, "Thy will be done," as long as it does not conflict with our will.
We want to be Christians, but we don't want our friends to think we are strange.
We want to be "OK" with both sides.
We want to be friends with everybody.
We do not want to make that choice, "Earth's Child or God's Child."
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