God be in my head,and in my understanding;God be in my eyes,and in my looking;God be in my mouth,and in my speaking;God be in my heart,and in my thinking;God be at my end,and my departing.
If you are with me so far, you are ready for a series of important questions.
Do you believe God is your Father in Heaven?
Do you want to join him in heaven as His Child because this is your purpose for existence?
Are you ready to turn your life over to Him?
Now the hardest question! Will you be able to give up being selfish (to gain the benefits of earth) and will you become unselfish (completely committed to the training and preparation program God has set up for you)?
"'Thy Kingdom come.' there is energy, drive, purpose in these words; an intensity of desire for the coming of perfection into life. Not the limp resignation that lies devoutly in the road and waits for the steam roller; but a total concentration on the total interests of God, which must be expressed in action. It is useless to utter - fervent petitions for that kingdom to be established and His will be done, unless we are willing to do something about it ourselves." (Evelyn Underhill, The Spiritual Life).
If you have answered yes to the above questions, you now have to start working on accomplishing your part of this plan. The Kingdom of Heaven is more valuable than anything else we can have, and a person must be willing to give up everything to obtain it.
(Matthew 13:44)"The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man happens to find a treasure hidden in a field. He covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field."
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