What are you holding back from him? Why?
The very nature of humanity call's out, for the ability to receive forgiveness. Some people may question to need to acquire this forgiveness from our father. But we must realize that we were created to provide honor, glory, and most important love of our creator. Just as a earthly father creates his children for his honor and glory. But if he is truly a loving father, he has a strong need to express his love and to receive in return love. In order for any love to be shared, there must be a level of trust, respect, and submission. If these qualities are not present the dark side will take over (i.e. hate, etc.). Therefore any truly loving father must set forth the proper relationships at various levels. And he must enforcement must have penalties. This area is covered in more depth in another topic. The final outcome of the plans we make is in God's hands.
(Proverbs 16:1-2)"We may make our plans but God has the last word. You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives."
What role should feelings, circumstances, play in knowing and doing God's will?
When children are truly submissive, they realize when they have acted in some may that is not according to, the desires of their father. These improper actions can take many forms.
Improper relationship to other children (i.e. stealing, fighting, etc.).
Improper relationship to the father (i.e. lack of honor, dishonor, etc.).
Improper relationship to the fathers world (i.e. waste, damage, etc.).
God calls us to be active in our obedience.
(Matthew 3:10)"The ax is ready to cut down the trees at the roots; every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire."
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