Why should we listen to these truths outside a church function?
The church's understanding of Christian truth is always subject to possible improvement and correction. Otherwise we would only need a set of laws as in the Old Testament. This understanding must change to meet the times we live in.
Because the final truth of the Christian faith is the truth mediated to us by Scripture. Our first loyalty must be to God and his Word, not the words of men.
Because we can serve the church only when we are free to remind it of who stands above it.
Because the Holy Spirit who has been at work guiding the church's thought and life in other times and places is still at work. We must be open to hear what he is saying and doing here, now, as well as what he did and said there and then. We have looked at the focal point of existence: "God," within another topic.
Let us continue our search for answers to the theology of life. To help you continue, I will now state hopefully our common answer at the end of these topics. St. Gregory, an early Christian theologian stated it this way;
"I am connected with the world below, and likewise with the spirit. I must be buried with Christ, rise with Christ, be joint heirs with Christ, become the Sons of God."
We will go on from these truths which help us to understand that God is not an irrational truth which we are asked to swallow at the cost of our intellect and understanding to other truths. These truths provide light for our way through life, and enlightens us as to the purpose of our personal experience, the desire of our hearts for a purpose, and the answer for the feeling within us that there better be someone in control.
We do not have to depend just on what God has shown us, through his creations. he has also revealed Himself to mankind through various means. he has made Himself a living Person; one who we can experience a relationship with, one who we can have a personal encounter. We need to interact with him and to have his love become part of our life. But even more important, we are created to be fulfilled by giving him back; the love, respect and glory he deserves as our creator and Father.
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