"For Jesus nothing is more precious than the Kingdom of God, i.e., the healing and renewing power and presence of God on our behalf. 'Seek out his kingship over you, and the rest will follow in turn' (Luke 12:31). Like a person who finds a hidden treasure in a field or a merchant who discovers a precious pearl, everyone must be prepared to give up everything else in order to possess the Kingdom (Matthew 13:44-46). But it is promised only to those with a certain outlook and way of life (see the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12). One can inherit the Kingdom through love of one's neighbor (Matthew 5:38-48), and yet one must also accept it as a child (Mark 10:15). Jesus assured the Scribe who grasped the meaning of the chief of the commandments (love of God and love of neighbor); You are not far from the reign of God (12:34). He also insisted to his disciples that their commitment to the Kingdom would make strong demands upon them (Mark 10:1; Luke 9:57-62; Matthew 19:12)" (Catholicism - Richard P. McBrien).
Have you ever specifically verbalized God's reality, presence, or love to someone? What happened?
"I would know myself, I would know you (God)." Augustine wrote these words in one of his earliest works, and they pertain to us also here and now. If we come to know our proper relationship to life, we also need to come to know more about our Father in Heaven, and the other side holds true also. There are many parallels. What is the Good News of God? Jesus came to break the power of sin and begin God's personal reign on earth (freedom, justice, and hope). You want to get down to business!
(Mark 1:15)"This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand, reform your lives and believe in the gospel."
Jesus came to be active and compassionate to the people around him. He exemplified tenderness when he healed the leper by touching him.
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