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Friday, January 7, 2011

Who (or what) are some gods that compete with your allegiance to Christ?

Dove of the Holy SpiritImage by hops_76 via FlickrWho (or what) are some gods that compete with your allegiance to Christ?
How weak or strong are you in the faith; Like a lion in a zoo, who looks strong but has never been tested? Or a palm tree, not very strong but having a solid root structure?
The first evangelism outside of Israel, chapter 10 of Acts, verse 36. "The word which he sent to the sons of Israel--Peter--said preaching peace through Jesus Christ, He is Lord of all." We have covered a couple of the 747 times.Thomas acknowledge it. What did Thomas say when he saw Jesus Christ after the resurrection? "My Lord and my..." what do you think he meant?The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:3 is pretty clear. "Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says Jesus is accursed and no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit." Repentance is not a human work. It's a work that God does. When God saves someone, He grants them repentance. He grants them the affirmation by His Spirit that Jesus is Lord.In Matthew 19:16, it says, "One came to Him and said, Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life, how do I get eternal life?" That's the question. How do I get eternal life? Jesus said, "Why are you asking Me about what's good? There's only one who's good. If you want to enter life, do...what?..keep the commandments," Jesus also said to him, "All right," verse 21, "if you want to be complete, perfect, want to get into God's heaven, go sell your possessions, give to the poor, you'll have treasure in heaven and come and do...what?...follow Me." First test, will you admit your sin? Second test, will you submit to My Lordship?What have you given up to follow Jesus? How is your life different as a result?Jesus wanted the two things to come clear to that young man. When you want into the Kingdom, when you want eternal life, it is not as simple as just a decision, believing some facts. There must be an acknowledgement and turning from sin and there must be a willingness to submit to My authority even if I ask you to do the most difficult thing in your life...to give up that which you love the most. Let's establish, number one, the depth of your sinfulness and, number two, the height of My sovereignty, that's the issue.When you come to Christ and are truly saved, the Spirit of God will move on your spirit and you will call Jesus...what?...Lord.
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