If our minds are to be renewed as God desires, we must Actively Cooperate with His Spirit. Of course, Satan wants us to be completely Passive and to think about nothing at all so that he may have complete freedom to fill our minds with the things of this world.
In the space below, write a list of some positive things which you could do to help renew your mind and fill it with the love of God.
Now make a list of the negative things which you must put out of your own mind so that you may be renewed in His love.
Too many of us ignore the principles of God's Word. Some of us do not even know some of the basic things God requires of us! In his letters to the Romans and the Corinthians, Paul writes the simple question: "Don't you know?" ten times! Twice he states "I do not want you to be ignorant." To how many of us would Paul say the same thing? Return to Matthew 22:29 and read Christ's words to the Sadducees. What was the problem that Jesus said they had?
Again the Apostle Paul, when he wrote to Timothy, said: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (II Timothy 2:15) And this he wrote to someone who had known the Scriptures from the time that he was a child! (See II Tim. 3:15-16). In the space below, write down the name of a person who must "do your best" in their study so that YOU, YOURSELF may be able to use the Word of God effectively in YOUR ministry.
Now Read John 8:31 and 32.
What does Jesus say is one sign of a true disciple?
If we do this thing and remain in His word, what will be the result?
What will this truth do for us?
According to John 14:6, who is the truth?
So then, With the Help of Jesus Christ, and ALL of our strength, we can start to obey His commandments and make them real in our lives. Especially the Commandment which says:Love the LORD your God with all your mind.
What can the people in your ministry do in order to discipline their minds and fill them with thoughts of positive things which will glorify God?
In the space below, write a list of some positive things which you could do to help renew your mind and fill it with the love of God.
Now make a list of the negative things which you must put out of your own mind so that you may be renewed in His love.
Too many of us ignore the principles of God's Word. Some of us do not even know some of the basic things God requires of us! In his letters to the Romans and the Corinthians, Paul writes the simple question: "Don't you know?" ten times! Twice he states "I do not want you to be ignorant." To how many of us would Paul say the same thing? Return to Matthew 22:29 and read Christ's words to the Sadducees. What was the problem that Jesus said they had?
Again the Apostle Paul, when he wrote to Timothy, said: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (II Timothy 2:15) And this he wrote to someone who had known the Scriptures from the time that he was a child! (See II Tim. 3:15-16). In the space below, write down the name of a person who must "do your best" in their study so that YOU, YOURSELF may be able to use the Word of God effectively in YOUR ministry.
Now Read John 8:31 and 32.
What does Jesus say is one sign of a true disciple?
If we do this thing and remain in His word, what will be the result?
What will this truth do for us?
According to John 14:6, who is the truth?
So then, With the Help of Jesus Christ, and ALL of our strength, we can start to obey His commandments and make them real in our lives. Especially the Commandment which says:Love the LORD your God with all your mind.
What can the people in your ministry do in order to discipline their minds and fill them with thoughts of positive things which will glorify God?
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