Read Matthew 22:23-33.
Who asked Jesus this second question?
What was this question about? (See verses 28 and 30.)
Now turn to Acts 23:8 and read this verse. We have already learned that the Sadducees made the error of taking away from the Word of God. We know from the verse in Acts that they did Not believe that there would be a of the dead.
The answer that Jesus gave to the Sadducees went straight to the point. (See Matthew 22:29) Jesus said that the Sadducees were wrong about the . Their mistake was due to their ignorance of the and of the of .
How many people today are mistaken because they do not know the Bible or the Power of God.
Who darkens the mind so that people cannot understand the Scriptures?
Who brings light to the mind so that we can understand the Scriptures?
The Sadducees were looking at things from the standpoint of only the material and natural instead of viewing things from a spiritual and super-natural perspective.
The main point of Jesus' answer can be found in Matthew 22:32. God, Jesus says is not the God of the but rather the God of the .
How did the people react to Jesus' answer?
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