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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God's World.In God's world we must undertake a strong effort and practice coping with difficult conditions (sickness, poor financial picture, hatred, etc.). All of this is to help us to submit our will to him so that we can make that decision to leave our desire for earthly things and change our desire to spiritual areas (Love of God, Glory to God, etc) and thereby join him in Heaven. This may be part of why it seems that God's people may suffer a little more. The child of earth, being of earth receives the benefits of earth (wealth, success, etc). But all that comes to an abrupt end at death, and then there is nothing.

Matthew Evangelist. The text also says - Abrah...Image via WikipediaGod's World.In God's world we must undertake a strong effort and practice coping with difficult conditions (sickness, poor financial picture, hatred, etc.). All of this is to help us to submit our will to him so that we can make that decision to leave our desire for earthly things and change our desire to spiritual areas (Love of God, Glory to God, etc) and thereby join him in Heaven. This may be part of why it seems that God's people may suffer a little more. The child of earth, being of earth receives the benefits of earth (wealth, success, etc). But all that comes to an abrupt end at death, and then there is nothing.

(Matthew 26:11)"You will always have the poor people with you, but you will not always have me?

What is Jesus trying to teach his disciples about priorities?

We see in the above statement, the importance of putting God first in our efforts. In earthly schooling we can get involved in extracurricular activities (debate society, sports, school paper, etc.). These activities help us grow and helps the people around us. This is true as long as it contributes to our completion of this training and our growth. In God's schooling we can also participate in additional activities (church clubs, teaching, etc.). But this also must help us grow in our spiritual life as well as reaching our ultimate objectives or it defeats our training plan.

(Matthew 10: 24-25)"No pupil is greater than his teacher; no slave is greater than his master. So a pupil should be satisfied to become like his teacher, and a slave like his master. if the head of the family is called Beelzebub, the members of the family will be called even worse names!"

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