(John 12:27-28)"Now my heart is troubled - and what shall I say? Shall I say, 'Father, do not let this hour come upon me?' But that is why I came - so that I might go through this hour of suffering. Father, bring glory to your name!"
Where is Jesus calling you to die so that you might live? What do you tend to hold on to rather than following Jesus's leadership?
As we have covered when we do not follow the "Training Rules" God has set down for us; we hurt him (otherwise known as "Sins"). We hurt him, because we lose "Glory" as Children of God. As any Father; God does not like to see his children hurt themselves or others. So we need to set our wrongful actions right; by admitting our wrongful act, asking forgiveness for that act and committing to correct any future actions on our part. When we do this, we have taken steps to correct the wrongful act. But since God already knew that this was going to happen, he arranged for his Son to make up for the wrong we did and the hurt we caused our Father through his suffering and death. This frees us from being responsible to make up for the hurt we caused God. This is much the same as if a Child hurts his father, through his action. The Child tries to correct it, by admitting the act, asking forgiveness, promising that he will not do it again and paying some penalty. Christ paid the penalty for us, if we take care of the other three areas.
God comforts us so masterfully in five ways: (1) He gives us courage; (2) He gives us a sense of calm; (3) he gives us companionship with him; (4) He gives us compassion; and (5) He gives us a new set of commitments (e.g. attitude, etc.).
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