It cannot be based on just reward; because our reward is in the future. Just as in school on earth, we as children were not able to just base our educational growth on our graduation. We needed a system of reward and penalties to be in place within the school system.
A basic concept that is very hard for both earthly and heavenly children to understand is; why can't our Fathers give us what we ask for when we ask for it?
When we are tempted to think of being rewarded for obedience, the discipline of adversity is recognized (Deut. 8:5) and a warning is uttered against ever regarding these material rewards as anything other than the evidence of a Father's Love. Is there a more fitting word for our self-oriented society than Deut. 8:7-18?
(2 Esdras 7:18-25)The angel replied, "Do you think you are a better judge than God? Do you think you are wiser than God Most High? It is better to let many people of the present age perish than to allow them to neglect the Law that God has given them. God has given clear commandments to everyone coming into this world, telling them what they should do to obtain life and to avoid punishment. But the wicked would not listen and refused to obey him. In their foolishness they have made their own wicked and deceitful plans. They denied the existence of God Most High and refused to follow his ways. They have rejected his Law, refused to accept his promises, disobeyed his decrees and failed to do what he commanded. That's the reason Ezra, that then there is emptiness for the empty and fullness for the full."
I hope you have acquired a appreciation for why God punishes the child of earth. But why can't he reward his children? The basic reasons that Fathers can't provide us with everything we ask for is that there are plans for our development, the families development and the world around us. Our request may not fit into the plans at that time. We can't really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure. God wants to make us mature and complete, not to keep us form pain. God will stay close.
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