Image via Wikipedia
You like me I'm sure; are looking at the world we live in, and see many challenges:
The physical world. We are facing enviromental problems that are monumental. There doesn't seem to be any answers that will be accepted by all the people and implemented.
The social world. Crime is running rampant in almost all locations. There is very few places to hide from it.
The moral world. We are more concerned about what we own; then how we can help each other.
The economic world. There are more people below the poverty line then above it.
The Spiritual world. Our "spirits" are deeply challenged with the challenges we face.
The mental world. Our schools are in trouble.
The communication world. We are more interested in discussing how we can have more pleasure then how we can solve the challenges.
Our health. We have as many or more health problems then our ancestors.
The political world. Each country is still interested in the best for the people in power then the people around them.
Many other worlds.
We as human individuals; with our minds, sciences, and efforts; have not solved these challenges. We need to look for different solutions.
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