Jesus was tempted to take the easy way out and offer material benefits to everyone who would follow him. He didn't do this because he knew the defects of materialism, instead he took the way of sacrifice and the cross.
Read Matthew 25:34-40
In this passage of scripture, Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God and the righteousness of its members. How did the righteous act toward those who were:
4.needing clothes?
Read Matthew 25:41-46
Can anyone who does not show this kind of righteousness enter into the kingdom of God? (Yes/No)
All members of Jesus' kingdom ought to seek to show justice just as their Master did (Luke 4:18, 6:20, 7:22, 14:13-14).
Read Luke 7:22 once again. In this verse we see Jesus caring for both
In the human kingdom, materialism feeds hatred and strife between men in different social classes because it only seeks justice for man's bodily needs. In the kingdom of God things are different. The members of the kingdom care for the whole man, body and soul. For this reason the Kingdom of God reaches out in love for those who are poor (Luke 8:43-44) and those who are rich without exception (Luke 8:41-42).
Read Matthew 6:33 once again
The kingdom begins within the person, with the kingdom of Christ in the heart. The kingdom of God cares about both, but beginning with a change in man's heart and then extending justice to all men as it also improves the environment.
Read Matthew 25:34-40
In this passage of scripture, Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God and the righteousness of its members. How did the righteous act toward those who were:
4.needing clothes?
Read Matthew 25:41-46
Can anyone who does not show this kind of righteousness enter into the kingdom of God? (Yes/No)
All members of Jesus' kingdom ought to seek to show justice just as their Master did (Luke 4:18, 6:20, 7:22, 14:13-14).
Read Luke 7:22 once again. In this verse we see Jesus caring for both
In the human kingdom, materialism feeds hatred and strife between men in different social classes because it only seeks justice for man's bodily needs. In the kingdom of God things are different. The members of the kingdom care for the whole man, body and soul. For this reason the Kingdom of God reaches out in love for those who are poor (Luke 8:43-44) and those who are rich without exception (Luke 8:41-42).
Read Matthew 6:33 once again
The kingdom begins within the person, with the kingdom of Christ in the heart. The kingdom of God cares about both, but beginning with a change in man's heart and then extending justice to all men as it also improves the environment.
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